Using Daugmans Rubber Sheet model, I am not able to get the correct normalized image of iris. Please help me out.

7 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
This is my input image, the output i am getting is:
I am sure the center coordinates , I have found them correctly because I am able to segment the iris from the image:
Below is my code for the same.
clear all
close all
%Any image from CASIA Dataset
eyeimage_filename = "F:\8th SEM\Dataset\CASIA\file1.jpg";
eyeimage = imread(eyeimage_filename);
I = eyeimage;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CREATEIRISTEMPLATE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%normalisation parameters
radial_res = 20;
angular_res = 240;
% with these settings a 9600 bit iris template is created
%feature encoding parameters
mult=1; % not applicable if using nscales = 1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SEGMENTIRIS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
lpupilradius = 28;
upupilradius = 75;
lirisradius = 80;
uirisradius = 150;
% define scaling factor to speed up Hough transform
scaling = 0.4;
reflecthres = 240;
% find the iris boundary
[row, col, r] = findcircle(eyeimage, lirisradius, uirisradius, scaling, 2, 0.20, 0.19, 1.00, 0.00);
circleiris = [row col r];
rowd = double(row);
cold = double(col);
rd = double(r);
irl = round(rowd-rd);
iru = round(rowd+rd);
icl = round(cold-rd);
icu = round(cold+rd);
imgsize = size(eyeimage);
if irl < 1
irl = 1;
if icl < 1
icl = 1;
if iru > imgsize(1)
iru = imgsize(1);
if icu > imgsize(2)
icu = imgsize(2);
% to find the inner pupil, use just the region within the previously
% detected iris boundary
imagepupil = eyeimage( irl:iru,icl:icu);
%find pupil boundary
[rowp, colp, r] = findcircle(imagepupil, lpupilradius, upupilradius,0.6,2,0.25,0.25,1.00,1.00);
rowp = double(rowp);
colp = double(colp);
r = double(r);
row = double(irl) + rowp;
col = double(icl) + colp;
row = round(row);
col = round(col);
circlepupil = [row col r];
% set up array for recording noise regions
% noise pixels will have NaN values
imagewithnoise = double(eyeimage);
%find top eyelid
topeyelid = imagepupil(1:(rowp-r),:);
lines = findline(topeyelid);
if size(lines,1) > 0
[xl yl] = linecoords(lines, size(topeyelid));
yl = double(yl) + irl-1;
xl = double(xl) + icl-1;
yla = max(yl);
y2 = 1:yla;
ind3 = sub2ind(size(eyeimage),yl,xl);
imagewithnoise(ind3) = NaN;
imagewithnoise(y2, xl) = NaN;
%find bottom eyelid
bottomeyelid = imagepupil((rowp+r):size(imagepupil,1),:);
lines = findline(bottomeyelid);
if size(lines,1) > 0
[xl yl] = linecoords(lines, size(bottomeyelid));
yl = double(yl)+ irl+rowp+r-2;
xl = double(xl) + icl-1;
yla = min(yl);
y2 = yla:size(eyeimage,1);
ind4 = sub2ind(size(eyeimage),yl,xl);
imagewithnoise(y2, xl) = NaN;
imagewithnoise(ind4) = NaN;
%For CASIA, eliminate eyelashes by thresholding
ref = eyeimage < 100;
coords = find(ref==1);
imagewithnoise(coords) = NaN;
% figure,imshow(eyeimage);title('originalimage');
% figure,imshow(imagepupil);title('pupil');
% figure,imshow(imagewithnoise);title('image with noise');
imagewithnoise2 = uint8(imagewithnoise);
imagewithcircles = uint8(eyeimage);
%get pixel coords for circle around iris
[xii,yii] = circlecoords([circleiris(2),circleiris(1)],circleiris(3),size(eyeimage));
ind2 = sub2ind(size(eyeimage),double(yii),double(xii));
%get pixel coords for circle around pupil
[xpp,ypp] = circlecoords([circlepupil(2),circlepupil(1)],circlepupil(3),size(eyeimage));
ind1 = sub2ind(size(eyeimage),double(ypp),double(xpp));
% Write noise regions
imagewithnoise2(ind2) = 255;
imagewithnoise2(ind1) = 255;
% Write circles overlayed
imagewithcircles(ind2) = 255;
imagewithcircles(ind1) = 255;
subplot(1,3,3);imshow(eyeimage);title('original image');
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MODEL2OUTPUT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[nx,ny,d] = size(I) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:ny,1:nx) ;
th = linspace(0,2.*pi);
idx = inpolygon(X(:),Y(:),x,y) ;
for i = 1:d
I1 = I(:,:,i) ;
I1(~idx) = 255 ;
I(:,:,i) = I1 ;
idx = inpolygon(X(:),Y(:),xp,yp) ;
for i = 1:d
I1 = I(:,:,i) ;
I1(idx) = 255 ;
I(:,:,i) = I1 ;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RUBBER SHEET MODEL%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
xp = rowp;
yp = colp;
rp = r;
xi = rowd;
yi = cold;
ri = rd;
% Initialize samples
angleSamples = 360;
RadiusSamples = 360;
debug =0;
interpolateQ =1;
angles = (0:pi/angleSamples:pi-pi/angleSamples) + pi/(2*angleSamples);%avoiding infinite slope
r = 0:1/RadiusSamples:1;
nAngles = length(angles);
% Calculate pupil points and iris points that are on the same line
x1 = ones(size(angles))*xi;
y1 = ones(size(angles))*yi;
x2 = xi + 10*sin(angles);
y2 = yi + 10*cos(angles);
dx = x2 - x1;
dy = y2 - y1;
slope = dy./dx;
intercept = yi - xi .* slope;
xout = zeros(nAngles,2);
yout = zeros(nAngles,2);
for i = 1:nAngles
[xout(i,:),yout(i,:)] = linecirc(slope(i),intercept(i),xp,yp,rp);
% Get samples on limbus boundary
xRightIris = yi + ri * cos(angles);
yRightIris = xi + ri * sin(angles);
xLeftIris = yi - ri * cos(angles);
yLeftIris = xi - ri * sin(angles);
% Get samples in radius direction
xrt = (1-r)' * xout(:,1)' + r' * yRightIris;
yrt = (1-r)' * yout(:,1)' + r' * xRightIris;
xlt = (1-r)' * xout(:,2)' + r' * yLeftIris;
ylt = (1-r)' * yout(:,2)' + r' * xLeftIris;
% Create Normalized Iris Image
if interpolateQ
image = uint8(reshape(interp2(double(I),[yrt(:);ylt(:)],[xrt(:);xlt(:)]),length(r), 2*length(angles))');
image = reshape(I(sub2ind(size(I),round([xrt(:);xlt(:)]),round([yrt(:);ylt(:)]))),length(r), 2*length(angles));
title("normalized image")
%%Show all points on original input image
if debug
img = insertShape(eyeimage, 'circle', [yrt(:),xrt(:),2*ones(size(xrt(:)))],'Color','r');
img = insertShape(eyeimage, 'circle', [ylt(:),xlt(:),2*ones(size(xrt(:)))],'Color','r');
figure('name','Sample scheme of the rubber sheet normalization');


Aditya 2024 年 1 月 24 日
Hi Ridhima,
If you're looking to normalize an iris region using Daugman's Rubber Sheet Model, you can refer to the following resources which can help you in resolving the issue. Here's how you can utilize them:
This submission includes a function for detecting the pupil and limbus (iris boundary) and a function for performing the normalization.
Below is an example code snippet using that resource which demonstrates how to detect the iris and pupil boundaries and then normalize the iris region:
% Read the eye image
img = imread('example.jpg');
% Find the Limbus boundary without GUI
[yPosIris, xPosIris, rIris, image] = daugmanCircleDetection(img);
% Find the Pupil boundary
[yPosPupil, xPosPupil, rPupil, image] = daugmanCircleDetection(img, 'Feature','pupil');
% Normalize the iris region according to Daugman's model
irisRegion = rubberSheetNormalisation(img, xPosPupil, yPosPupil, rPupil, xPosIris, yPosIris, rIris, 'DebugMode', 1);
% Show the resulting image
You can adjust the DebugMode, RadiusSamples, UseInterpolation, and AngleSamples parameters to control the visualization and resolution of the normalization process.
This repository includes code for creating an iris template, which is part of the iris recognition pipeline. The normalization step is also included within this process.
You can review the createiristemplate.m script to understand how it integrates the normalization step within the broader context of iris recognition.
If you continue to face difficulties with your code, please provide all the related files, including the image and any custom functions. So that, I can run a test on my side to better diagnose the issue and assist you in resolving it.
Hope this helps!
  1 件のコメント
Ridhima Chopra
Ridhima Chopra 2024 年 1 月 25 日
編集済み: Ridhima Chopra 2024 年 1 月 25 日
Thanks a lot for your response.
I debugged the error. To get the pupil, we are cropping the image and getting the centre coordinates of the pupil with respect to that cropped image. This was where i went wrong.
rowp = double(rowp);
colp = double(colp);
r = double(r);
row = double(irl) + rowp;
col = double(icl) + colp;
Instead of rowp and colp I had to use row and col.
Thus for the rubber sheet model, variables will be initialized like this:
xp = row;
yp = col;
rp = r;
xi = rowd;
yi = cold;
ri = rd;
I appreciate your help. Thanks again @Aditya! :)


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