
finding maximum power using a single-objective optimization algorithm

5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Moussa 2023 年 12 月 10 日
編集済み: Torsten 2023 年 12 月 10 日
The following equation represents the power across a 2-ohm resistor in a circuit as a function of R1, R2, R3, V1, and V2.
power(R1, R2, R3, V1, V2) = 2*((280*R1 + 200*R2 + 270*R3 + 100*V1 + 20*R1*R2 + 78*R1*R3 + 60*R2*R3 + 60*R1*V1 + 10*R1*V2 + 50*R2*V1 + 30*R3*V1 + 4*R1*R2*R3 + 5*R1*R2*V1 + 17*R1*R3*V1 + 2*R1*R3*V2 + 15*R2*R3*V1 + R1*R2*R3*V1 + 900)/(520*R1 + 450*R2 + 210*R3 + 45*R1*R2 + 149*R1*R3 + 135*R2*R3 + 9*R1*R2*R3 + 700) - (220*R1 + 795*R3 + 100*V1 + 53*R1*R3 + 10*R1*V1 + 45*R1*V2 + 30*R3*V1 + 2*R1*R3*V1 + 9*R1*R3*V2 + 2650)/(520*R1 + 450*R2 + 210*R3 + 45*R1*R2 + 149*R1*R3 + 135*R2*R3 + 9*R1*R2*R3 + 700))^2
I should use a single-purpose optimization algorithm to find values for R1, R2, R3, V1, and V2 so that the power across the resistor is maximized. I employed Genetic Algorithm; its code, provided below, is capable of finding the maximum power, which is approximately 12 W.
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% Genetic Algorithm Parameters
popSize = 20;
numGenerations = 50;
% Variable Bounds
lb = [0 0 0 0 0]; % Lower bounds for R1, R2, R3, V1, V2
ub = [5 5 5 10 10]; % Upper bounds for R1, R2, R3, V1, V2
% Modified Cost Function (negative of the function you want to maximize)
costFunction = @(x) -2*((280*x(1) + 200*x(2) + 270*x(3) + 100*x(4) + 20*x(1)*x(2) + 78*x(1)*x(3) + 60*x(2)*x(3) + 60*x(1)*x(4) + 10*x(1)*x(5) + 50*x(2)*x(4) + 30*x(3)*x(4) + 4*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) + 5*x(1)*x(2)*x(4) + 17*x(1)*x(3)*x(4) + 2*x(1)*x(3)*x(5) + 15*x(2)*x(3)*x(4) + x(1)*x(2)*x(3)*x(4) + 900)/(520*x(1) + 450*x(2) + 210*x(3) + 45*x(1)*x(2) + 149*x(1)*x(3) + 135*x(2)*x(3) + 9*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) + 700) - (220*x(1) + 795*x(3) + 100*x(4) + 53*x(1)*x(3) + 10*x(1)*x(4) + 45*x(1)*x(5) + 30*x(3)*x(4) + 2*x(1)*x(3)*x(4) + 9*x(1)*x(3)*x(5) + 2650)/(520*x(1) + 450*x(2) + 210*x(3) + 45*x(1)*x(2) + 149*x(1)*x(3) + 135*x(2)*x(3) + 9*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) + 700))^2;
% Run Genetic Algorithm
options = optimoptions(@ga, 'PopulationSize', popSize, 'MaxGenerations', numGenerations, 'PlotFcn', @gaplotbestf);
[x, fval, exitflag, output] = ga(costFunction, 5, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], options);
ga stopped because it exceeded options.MaxGenerations.
%x = fmincon(costFunction,(lb+ub)/2,[],[],[],[],lb,ub)
% Display Results
fprintf('Optimal values:\n');
Optimal values:
fprintf('R1 = %.4f ohms\n', x(1));
R1 = 0.0000 ohms
fprintf('R2 = %.4f ohms\n', x(2));
R2 = 0.0000 ohms
fprintf('R3 = %.4f ohms\n', x(3));
R3 = 0.2739 ohms
fprintf('V1 = %.4f volts\n', x(4));
V1 = 6.3453 volts
fprintf('V2 = %.4f volts\n', x(5));
V2 = 2.7447 volts
fprintf('Maximum Power: %.4f\n', fval);
Maximum Power: -12.5000
However, when I want to use the following code, as opposed to the one above that utilizes built-in functions such as optimoptions and ga, it produces a maximum power value of approximately 0.
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% Genetic Algorithm Parameters
popSize = 20;
numGenerations = 50;
% Variable Bounds
lb = [0 0 0 0 0]; % Lower bounds for R1, R2, R3, V1, V2
ub = [5 5 5 10 10]; % Upper bounds for R1, R2, R3, V1, V2
% Cost Function
costFunction = @(x) -2*((280*x(1) + 200*x(2) + 270*x(3) + 100*x(4) + 20*x(1)*x(2) + 78*x(1)*x(3) + 60*x(2)*x(3) + 60*x(1)*x(4) + 10*x(1)*x(5) + 50*x(2)*x(4) + 30*x(3)*x(4) + 4*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) + 5*x(1)*x(2)*x(4) + 17*x(1)*x(3)*x(4) + 2*x(1)*x(3)*x(5) + 15*x(2)*x(3)*x(4) + x(1)*x(2)*x(3)*x(4) + 900)/(520*x(1) + 450*x(2) + 210*x(3) + 45*x(1)*x(2) + 149*x(1)*x(3) + 135*x(2)*x(3) + 9*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) + 700) - (220*x(1) + 795*x(3) + 100*x(4) + 53*x(1)*x(3) + 10*x(1)*x(4) + 45*x(1)*x(5) + 30*x(3)*x(4) + 2*x(1)*x(3)*x(4) + 9*x(1)*x(3)*x(5) + 2650)/(520*x(1) + 450*x(2) + 210*x(3) + 45*x(1)*x(2) + 149*x(1)*x(3) + 135*x(2)*x(3) + 9*x(1)*x(2)*x(3) + 700))^2;
% Initialize Population
population = lb + (ub - lb) .* rand(popSize, 5);
% Run Genetic Algorithm
fitnessHistory = zeros(numGenerations, 1); % Store fitness values at each generation
for generation = 1:numGenerations
% Evaluate Fitness
fitness = zeros(popSize, 1);
for i = 1:popSize
fitness(i) = costFunction(population(i, :));
% Store best fitness of the generation
fitnessHistory(generation) = max(fitness);
% Select Parents (Tournament Selection)
parentIndices = zeros(popSize, 2);
for i = 1:popSize
tournamentIndices = randi([1, popSize], 1, 2);
[~, winnerIndex] = max(fitness(tournamentIndices));
parentIndices(i, :) = tournamentIndices(winnerIndex);
% Crossover (Single Point)
crossoverPoints = randi([1, 4], 1, popSize);
offspring = zeros(popSize, 5);
for i = 1:popSize
crossoverPoint = crossoverPoints(i);
offspring(i, 1:crossoverPoint) = population(parentIndices(i, 1), 1:crossoverPoint);
offspring(i, crossoverPoint+1:end) = population(parentIndices(i, 2), crossoverPoint+1:end);
% Mutation
mutationMask = rand(popSize, 5) < 0.1; % Mutation probability = 0.1
mutationChange = (ub - lb) .* rand(popSize, 5);
offspring = offspring + mutationMask .* mutationChange;
% Clip offspring to bounds
offspring = max(min(offspring, ub), lb);
% Replace old population with offspring
population = offspring;
% Find the best individual
bestIndividualIndex = find(fitness == max(fitness), 1);
bestIndividual = population(bestIndividualIndex, :);
% Display Results
fprintf('Optimal values:\n');
Optimal values:
fprintf('R1 = %.4f ohms\n', bestIndividual(1));
R1 = 5.0000 ohms
fprintf('R2 = %.4f ohms\n', bestIndividual(2));
R2 = 1.4218 ohms
fprintf('R3 = %.4f ohms\n', bestIndividual(3));
R3 = 5.0000 ohms
fprintf('V1 = %.4f volts\n', bestIndividual(4));
V1 = 4.8466 volts
fprintf('V2 = %.4f volts\n', bestIndividual(5));
V2 = 5.1458 volts
fprintf('Maximum Power: %.4f\n', costFunction(bestIndividual));
Maximum Power: -0.0000
% Plot Fitness vs Iteration
plot(1:numGenerations, fitnessHistory, 'LineWidth', 2);
title('Fitness vs Iteration');
ylabel('Fitness Value');
grid on;
What is wrong with the second code?

回答 (1 件)

Torsten 2023 年 12 月 10 日
編集済み: Torsten 2023 年 12 月 10 日
You want to minimize -f. Thus instead of
% Store best fitness of the generation
fitnessHistory(generation) = max(fitness);
you have to use
% Store best fitness of the generation
fitnessHistory(generation) = min(fitness);
Maybe there are other lines in your code as well that have to be changed.


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