Getting trouble in EKF for pendulum (not tracking perfectly)
5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi everyone,
These days im trying to implement an EKF for Pendulum.
But my EKF algorithm does not track the true state smoothly.
What is my wrong ? Can any one help ?
2 件のコメント
Sam Chak
2023 年 11 月 29 日
I believe EKF stands for 'Extended Kalman Filter.' How can we verify if the formulation of EKF is correct, as shown in your code?
% Extended Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Pendulum Dynamics
clc; clear all; close all;
g = 9.81; % acceleration
L = 1.0; % length
theta0 = pi/4; % initial angle
theta_dot0 = 0; % initial angular velocity
x0 = [theta0; theta_dot0];
x_hat = [theta0; theta_dot0];
% Time vector
t_span = [0 10]; %
dt = 0.01; %
t = t_span(1):dt:t_span(2);
% Simulate true state with ode45
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-6, 'AbsTol', 1e-6);
[~, true_state] = ode45(@(t, x) pendulumDynamics(t, x, g, L), t, x0, options);
% Add noise to measurements
measurement_noise_std = 0.1;
measurement_noise = measurement_noise_std*randn(size(true_state, 1), 1);
measurements = true_state(:, 1) + measurement_noise;
% EKF parameters
n = 2;
m = 1;
Q = diag([0, 1e-3]); % process noise
R = 5e-3; % measurement noise
P_prev = [1e-6, 0;
0, 1e-6]; % initial state
x_hat_store = zeros(length(t), n);
% EKF implementation
for i = 2:length(t)
% State transition jacobian matrix
F = [1, dt; -dt*g*cos(x_hat(1))/L, 1];
% Observation jacobian matrix
H = [cos(x_hat(1)), 0];
% Prediction
x_hat_ = [x_hat(1) + x_hat(2)*dt; - dt * g * sin(x_hat(1))/L];
z_ = observationModel(x_hat(1), L);
P_ = F*P_prev*F' + Q;
% Update
S = H * P_ * H' + R;
C = P_ * H';
K = C / S;
y_pre = measurements(i) - z_;
x_hat = x_hat_ + K * y_pre;
P_hat = (eye(n) - K * H) * P_;
% Store the estimated state
x_hat_store(i, :) = x_hat';
P_prev = P_hat;
% subplot(3,1,1)
plot(t, true_state(:,1), 'b', 'LineWidth', 1); hold on
% subplot(3,1,2)
% plot(t, measurements, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 1);
% subplot(3,1,3)
plot(t, x_hat_store(:,1), 'g--', 'LineWidth', 1); % Plot estimated angle
% title('True State, Measurements, and Estimated Angle');
% legend('True State', 'Measurements', 'Estimated Angle');
grid on, ylim([-1.2 1.2]) % <-- added here
title('True State, and Estimated Angle');
legend('True State', 'Estimated Angle');
% subplot(2,1,2);
plot(t, true_state(:,2), 'b', 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
plot(t, x_hat_store(:,2), 'g--', 'LineWidth', 1); % Plot estimated angular velocity
grid on, ylim([-3.5 3.5]) % <-- added here
title('True Angular Velocity and Estimated Angular Velocity');
legend('True Angular Velocity', 'Estimated Angular Velocity');
ylabel('Angular Velocity');
% Nonlinear pendulum dynamics function
function dxdt = pendulumDynamics(t, x, g, L)
theta = x(1);
theta_dot = x(2);
dxdt = [theta_dot;
- g/L*sin(theta)];
% Observation model
function z = observationModel(x, L)
z = L*sin(x(1));
回答 (1 件)
2023 年 11 月 30 日
The state prediction equation needs to be modified, see below.
I didn't verify the rest of the equations.
g = 9.81; % acceleration
L = 1.0; % length
theta0 = pi/4; % initial angle
theta_dot0 = 0; % initial angular velocity
x0 = [theta0; theta_dot0];
x_hat = [theta0; theta_dot0];
% Time vector
t_span = [0 10]; %
dt = 0.01; %
t = t_span(1):dt:t_span(2);
% Simulate true state with ode45
options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-6, 'AbsTol', 1e-6);
[~, true_state] = ode45(@(t, x) pendulumDynamics(t, x, g, L), t, x0, options);
% Add noise to measurements
measurement_noise_std = 0.1;
measurement_noise = measurement_noise_std*randn(size(true_state, 1), 1);
measurements = true_state(:, 1) + measurement_noise;
% EKF parameters
n = 2;
m = 1;
Q = diag([0, 1e-3]); % process noise
R = 5e-3; % measurement noise
P_prev = [1e-6, 0;
0, 1e-6]; % initial state
x_hat_store = zeros(length(t), n);
% EKF implementation
for i = 2:length(t)
% State transition jacobian matrix
F = [1, dt; -dt*g*cos(x_hat(1))/L, 1];
% Observation jacobian matrix
H = [cos(x_hat(1)), 0];
% Prediction
% x_hat_ = [x_hat(1) + x_hat(2)*dt; - dt * g * sin(x_hat(1))/L];
x_hat_ = [x_hat(1) + x_hat(2)*dt; x_hat(2) - dt * g * sin(x_hat(1))/L];
% x_hat_ = x_hat + dt*pendulumDynamics(nan,x_hat,g,L) % alternative method
z_ = observationModel(x_hat(1), L);
P_ = F*P_prev*F' + Q;
% Update
S = H * P_ * H' + R;
C = P_ * H';
K = C / S;
y_pre = measurements(i) - z_;
x_hat = x_hat_ + K * y_pre;
P_hat = (eye(n) - K * H) * P_;
% Store the estimated state
x_hat_store(i, :) = x_hat';
P_prev = P_hat;
% subplot(3,1,1)
plot(t, true_state(:,1), 'b', 'LineWidth', 1); hold on
% subplot(3,1,2)
% plot(t, measurements, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 1);
% subplot(3,1,3)
plot(t, x_hat_store(:,1), 'g--', 'LineWidth', 1); % Plot estimated angle
% title('True State, Measurements, and Estimated Angle');
% legend('True State', 'Measurements', 'Estimated Angle');
grid on, ylim([-1.2 1.2]) % <-- added here
title('True State, and Estimated Angle');
legend('True State', 'Estimated Angle');
% subplot(2,1,2);
plot(t, true_state(:,2), 'b', 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
plot(t, x_hat_store(:,2), 'g--', 'LineWidth', 1); % Plot estimated angular velocity
grid on, ylim([-3.5 3.5]) % <-- added here
title('True Angular Velocity and Estimated Angular Velocity');
legend('True Angular Velocity', 'Estimated Angular Velocity');
ylabel('Angular Velocity');
% Nonlinear pendulum dynamics function
function dxdt = pendulumDynamics(t, x, g, L)
theta = x(1);
theta_dot = x(2);
dxdt = [theta_dot;
- g/L*sin(theta)];
% Observation model
function z = observationModel(x, L)
z = L*sin(x(1));
4 件のコメント
2023 年 12 月 1 日
Looking further at the equations ....
The measurement equation is:
y = x(1) + measurement_noise.
Given that equation, I don't believe the equations for H or z_ are correct.
H should be the Jacobian of y wrt x
z_ should be the noise-free predicted measurement based on x_hat_, which is not how z_ is defined in the code. What is observationModel supposed to be and why isn't the input to it x_hat_ ?
In addition ...
Why does F(2,1) have a cos() ? There is no cos() in the equations in pendulumDynamics.
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