
Chemical reaction Rates with changing temperature

8 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Jennifer Guerrero
Jennifer Guerrero 2023 年 11 月 14 日
コメント済み: Walter Roberson 2023 年 11 月 14 日
Im attampting to model the kenetics of a chemical reaction calculating K (with respect to temperature), concentration of CB, and recator temp simultaniously, I created a while loop that continious calculates that temperature using Eulers Method.
I keep getting the error:
"Error using odearguments
@(T,CB)COEFF.*CB returns a vector of length 29, but the length of initial conditions vector is 1. The vector returned by @(T,CB)COEFF.*CB and the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.
Error in CBR_T_reactor_V2 (line 34)
[t,CB1] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k1), t, CB0);
The following is my code
close all
% let B = H2O2, R = H2O, T = O2, and C = I- (catalyst)
% overall reaction: 2B+C -> T+2R
% Key reactant is B and Key product is T
% Define reaction kinetics and parameters
V_rect1= 1; % Reactor Volume in liters - 1st run
V_rect2= 1.5; % Reactor Volume in liters - 2nd run
MmCpm= 0.18*4184; % in j/K
% Time vector in sec
tspan = (0:5:500);
tspan = tspan';
Ts= 298.15;
T1=Ts; % Inital value
T2=Ts; % Inital value
while iter <= 101
%Solving for CB - Concentration of CB
t=[0 1500];
CB0 = 0.09;
CC = 0.24;
k1= 5.052e8*exp(-59020./(8.314*T1));
k2= 5.052e8*exp(-59020./(8.314*T2));
[t,CB1] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k1), t, CB0);
[t,CB2] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k2), t, CB0);
% Solve for V_T - Volumetric O2 rate
Ps= 1; % pressure in atm
V_o2= 22.4; % standard gas Volume in Liters at STP
R= 0.0821;
rT1=CC*k1*CB1; % (EQ 5)
rT2=CC.*k2*CB2; % (EQ 5)
V_T1=(rT1.*V_o2.*R.*Ts*60)/Ps; %(EQ 9)
V_T2=(rT2.*V_o2.*R.*Ts*60)/Ps; %(EQ 9)
% Solve for Temperature
[dTdt1] =deltaT_fun(V_rect1, rT1);
[dTdt2] =deltaT_fun(V_rect2, rT2);
iter= iter+ 1;
% Ploting Data
figure (1)
plot(time1, T1, 'Red ^');
hold on
plot(time2, T2, 'blue ^');
yyaxis right
plot(time1, V_T1, 'Red +');
plot(time2, V_T2, 'blue +');
yyaxis left
title( 'Adiabatic Reactor Temp. and O2 rate vs. Time');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel(' Reactor Temp (Kelvin)');
yyaxis right
ylabel('Volumetric O2 Rate (L/min)')
legend('1 L Reactor Tempure', ...
'1.5 L Reactor Temperature', ...
'Predicted Volumetic 02 rate')
%% Concentration of CB Function
function [dCBdt]= CB_fun(CC,k)
dCBdt = @(t, CB) Coeff.*CB;% dCB/dt (combination of E5 and E7)
%% Delta_Recator_Temp Function
function [dTdt] =deltaT_fun(Vol_rector,r_T)
cp_w = 4.184; %Mass-based specific heat of water (j/g*Kelvin)
rho_w = 997; %Water mass density kg/m^3
delta_H_RXN=-196*1000; % heat of RXN for O2 produced in (j/Mol)
dTdt= (Vol_rector.*r_T*-delta_H_RXN)./(Vol_rector*cp_w*rho_w);%dT/dt Reactor Temp rate of change (EQ 10)
  1 件のコメント
Torsten 2023 年 11 月 14 日
Maybe you could explain in your own words what you are doing. It's very hard to understand your code.


回答 (1 件)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023 年 11 月 14 日
% let B = H2O2, R = H2O, T = O2, and C = I- (catalyst)
% overall reaction: 2B+C -> T+2R
% Key reactant is B and Key product is T
% Define reaction kinetics and parameters
V_rect1= 1; % Reactor Volume in liters - 1st run
V_rect2= 1.5; % Reactor Volume in liters - 2nd run
MmCpm= 0.18*4184; % in j/K
% Time vector in sec
tspan = (0:5:500);
tspan = tspan';
Ts= 298.15;
T1=Ts; % Inital value
T2=Ts; % Inital value
while iter <= 101
%Solving for CB - Concentration of CB
t=[0 1500];
CB0 = 0.09;
CC = 0.24;
k1= 5.052e8*exp(-59020./(8.314*T1));
k2= 5.052e8*exp(-59020./(8.314*T2));
[t,CB1] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k1), t, CB0);
[t,CB2] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k2), t, CB0);
% Solve for V_T - Volumetric O2 rate
Ps= 1; % pressure in atm
V_o2= 22.4; % standard gas Volume in Liters at STP
R= 0.0821;
rT1=CC*k1*CB1; % (EQ 5)
rT2=CC.*k2*CB2; % (EQ 5)
V_T1=(rT1.*V_o2.*R.*Ts*60)/Ps; %(EQ 9)
V_T2=(rT2.*V_o2.*R.*Ts*60)/Ps; %(EQ 9)
% Solve for Temperature
[dTdt1] =deltaT_fun(V_rect1, rT1);
[dTdt2] =deltaT_fun(V_rect2, rT2);
iter= iter+ 1;
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes CB0 1x1 8 double CB1 29x1 232 double CB2 29x1 232 double CC 1x1 8 double MmCpm 1x1 8 double Ps 1x1 8 double R 1x1 8 double T1 1x1 8 double T2 1x1 8 double Ts 1x1 8 double V_T1 29x1 232 double V_T2 29x1 232 double V_o2 1x1 8 double V_rect1 1x1 8 double V_rect2 1x1 8 double cmdout 1x33 66 char dTdt1 29x1 232 double dTdt2 29x1 232 double dt 1x1 8 double iter 1x1 8 double k1 1x1 8 double k2 1x1 8 double rT1 29x1 232 double rT2 29x1 232 double t 29x1 232 double tspan 101x1 808 double
Error using odearguments
@(T,CB)COEFF.*CB returns a vector of length 29, but the length of initial conditions vector is 1. The vector returned by @(T,CB)COEFF.*CB and the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.

Error in ode23 (line 102)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle, odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
% Ploting Data
figure (1)
plot(time1, T1, 'Red ^');
hold on
plot(time2, T2, 'blue ^');
yyaxis right
plot(time1, V_T1, 'Red +');
plot(time2, V_T2, 'blue +');
yyaxis left
title( 'Adiabatic Reactor Temp. and O2 rate vs. Time');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
ylabel(' Reactor Temp (Kelvin)');
yyaxis right
ylabel('Volumetric O2 Rate (L/min)')
legend('1 L Reactor Tempure', ...
'1.5 L Reactor Temperature', ...
'Predicted Volumetic 02 rate')
%% Concentration of CB Function
function [dCBdt]= CB_fun(CC,k)
dCBdt = @(t, CB) Coeff.*CB;% dCB/dt (combination of E5 and E7)
%% Delta_Recator_Temp Function
function [dTdt] =deltaT_fun(Vol_rector,r_T)
cp_w = 4.184; %Mass-based specific heat of water (j/g*Kelvin)
rho_w = 997; %Water mass density kg/m^3
delta_H_RXN=-196*1000; % heat of RXN for O2 produced in (j/Mol)
dTdt= (Vol_rector.*r_T*-delta_H_RXN)./(Vol_rector*cp_w*rho_w);%dT/dt Reactor Temp rate of change (EQ 10)
  2 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023 年 11 月 14 日
[t,CB1] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k1), t, CB0);
The first call to ode23 returns a second output that is number of times by number of states. Your input timespan t was a vector of length 2, so the number of output times will be whatever ode23 feels like.
[t,CB2] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k2), t, CB0);
Here you are passing in the output times from the first ode23 call to become the tspan for the second call, so the number of output times for the second call will be the same as the number of output times for the first call unless the second call exits early due to non-convergence.
rT1=CC*k1*CB1; % (EQ 5)
rT2=CC.*k2*CB2; % (EQ 5)
Vectors times something gets you vector rT1 and rT2 outputs.
[dTdt1] =deltaT_fun(V_rect1, rT1);
[dTdt2] =deltaT_fun(V_rect2, rT2);
That are passed to delta_fun
dTdt= (Vol_rector.*r_T*-delta_H_RXN)./(Vol_rector*cp_w*rho_w);%dT/dt Reactor Temp rate of change (EQ 10)
resulting in an output the same size as the vector.
Those vectors dTdt1 and dTdt2 combine with the previously-scalar T1 and T2 giving vector outputs for T1 and T2
Then, next iteration of the loop
k1= 5.052e8*exp(-59020./(8.314*T1));
k2= 5.052e8*exp(-59020./(8.314*T2));
Your k1 and k2 become vectors because T1 and T2 are vectors.
[t,CB1] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k1), t, CB0);
[t,CB2] = ode23(CB_fun(CC,k2), t, CB0);
and the vector k1 and k2 get passed to CB_fun,
function [dCBdt]= CB_fun(CC,k)
dCBdt = @(t, CB) Coeff.*CB;% dCB/dt (combination of E5 and E7)
where they become a vector of coefficients, leading to an objective fucntion that takes in the scalar state Cb and returns a vector output.
But when you have a scalar state variable for ode*() you need to return a scalar output state, not a vector output state.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023 年 11 月 14 日
I do not think your code can be repaired. It looks to me as if you are trying to implement a PDE.
The only hope would be if you can replace
rT1=CC*k1*CB1; % (EQ 5)
rT2=CC.*k2*CB2; % (EQ 5)
rT1=CC*k1*CB1(end); % (EQ 5)
rT2=CC.*k2*CB2(end); % (EQ 5)



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