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plot graph Code problem

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
영석 2023 年 11 月 8 日
閉鎖済み: Dyuman Joshi 2023 年 11 月 8 日
% MakeMohrStressCircle_ex1.m
% This matlab code for Mohr's Circle
%==Given 2D stress components Given at a point =
Sig_x = 3
Sig_y = 0
Tau_xy = 2
% R:Radius of a Circle ==================
R = sqrt((Sig_x- Sig_y)^2/4+Tau_xy^2);
% Center of the Mohr's Stress Circle ====
Sig_xc =(Sig_x+ Sig_y)/2
Sig_yc = 0
Theta = atand(Tau_xy/(Sig_x-Sig_xc))/2
% Principal stresses ====================
Sig_1 = Sig_xc + R
Sig_2 = Sig_xc - R
% Max shear stress ======================
Tau_max = R
%===== Making Mohr's Circle =============
x1 = R*cos(x)+Sig_xc;
y1 = R*sin(x)+Sig_yc;
title('Make a Mohr stress Circle with R')
xlabel('Normal stresses \sigma')
ylabel('Shear stress \tau')
grid on
axis ([Sig_xc-R, Sig_xc+R, -2-R, 2+R])
axis equal, hold on
% =========================================
plot([0 0], [-2-R, 2+R]) % y-축
plot([Sig_xc-2*R Sig_xc+2*R], [0 0]) % x-축
I want to make it like the second picture, so please solve the code problem
  1 件のコメント
VBBV 2023 年 11 月 8 日
編集済み: VBBV 2023 年 11 月 8 日
you can use text function and annotations to include comments, symbols to the graphs. Use the position property to place the text/symbol details where you want to add them.

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