Operands to the logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. Use the ANY or ALL functions to reduce operands to logical scalar values.
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Operands to the logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. Use the ANY or ALL functions to
reduce operands to logical scalar values.
Error in Phase_1LIGAND_INTERACTION>calculate_kf (line 75)
elseif t >= t_start && t < t_end
Error in Phase_1LIGAND_INTERACTION>@(t)calculate_kf(t,t_start,t_end,Kf1Max,Kf1Min,Kf1Tau_on,Kf1Tau_off) (line 23)
kf_1 = @(t) calculate_kf(t, t_start, t_end, Kf1Max, Kf1Min, Kf1Tau_on, Kf1Tau_off );
Error in Phase_1LIGAND_INTERACTION (line 61)
plot(t, kf_1(t), '-', 'LineWidth', 2);
get this error when during running code is given below
function Phase_1LIGAND_INTERACTION()
% Parameters
timespan = 0:0.01:100; % Time vector
Receptor_concentration = 100; % Concentration of Receptor
% Initial conditions
C_LigandReceptor_0 = 0; % Initial concentration of complex of ligand and receptor
% Time-dependent forward reaction rate constants (anonymous functions)
t_start = 5; % Start time of receptor pulse
t_end = 100; % Duration of receptor pulse
Kf1Max = 30;
Kf1Min = 1;
Kf1Tau_on = -1;
Kf1Tau_off = -0.5;
% Time-dependent backward reaction rate constants (anonymous functions)
Kb1Max = 20;
Kb1Min = 10;
Kb1Tau_on = -0.01;
Kb1Tau_off = -0.01;
kf_1 = @(t) calculate_kf(t, t_start, t_end, Kf1Max, Kf1Min, Kf1Tau_on, Kf1Tau_off );
kb_1 = @(t) calculate_kb(t, t_start, t_end, Kb1Max, Kb1Min, Kb1Tau_on, Kb1Tau_off );
% Solving the ODE system
[t, y] = ode45(@(t, y) ode_LR(t, y, kf_1, kb_1), timespan, [Receptor_concentration; C_LigandReceptor_0]);
% Extract the concentrations
receptor_concentration = y(:, 1);
ligand_Receptor_concentration = y(:, 2); % Now this represents the ligand-receptor complex concentration
% Calculate kf and kb values at each time point
kf_values = zeros(size(t));
kb_values = zeros(size(t));
kf_Tau_on_values = zeros(size(t));
kf_Tau_off_values = zeros(size(t));
kb_Tau_on_values = zeros(size(t));
kb_Tau_off_values = zeros(size(t));
for i = 1:length(t)
kf_values(i) = kf_1(t(i));
kb_values(i) = kb_1(t(i));
kf_Tau_on_values(i) = Kf1Tau_on;
kf_Tau_off_values(i) = Kf1Tau_off;
kb_Tau_on_values(i) = Kb1Tau_on;
kb_Tau_off_values(i) = Kb1Tau_off;
% Create a table for the data
data_table = table(t, kf_values, kb_values, kf_Tau_on_values,kf_Tau_off_values, kb_Tau_on_values,kb_Tau_off_values, timespan', ligand_Receptor_concentration, receptor_concentration, ...
'VariableNames', {'Time', 'kf', 'kb', 'kf_Tau_on', 'kf_Tau_off', 'kb_Tau_on','kb_Tau_off', 'TimeSpan', 'Ligand_Receptor_Concentration', 'Receptor_Concentration'});
% Write the data table to a CSV file
csv_filename = 'interaction_data.csv';
writetable(data_table, csv_filename);
% Plotting the results
plot(t, receptor_concentration, '-o', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(t, kf_1(t), '-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(t, kb_1(t), 'o:', 'LineWidth', 3);
hold on;
plot(t, ligand_Receptor_concentration, '-k', 'LineWidth', 3);
hold on;
legend('Receptor', 'kf', 'kb' ,'Activated Receptor (Complex)');
function kf_1 = calculate_kf(t, t_start, t_end, Kf1Max, Kf1Min, Kf1Tau_on, Kf1Tau_off)
% Initial phase of the curve having a min value
if t < t_start
kf_1 = Kf1Min;
% Increasing phase from Min to Max
elseif t >= t_start && t < t_end
kf_1 = Kf1Max - (Kf1Max - Kf1Min) * exp(Kf1Tau_on * (t - t_start));
else % Decreasing phase from Max to Min
kf_end = Kf1Max - (Kf1Max - Kf1Min) * exp(Kf1Tau_on * (t_end - t_start));
kf_1 = Kf1Min + (kf_end - Kf1Min) * exp(Kf1Tau_off * (t - t_end));
function kb_1 = calculate_kb(t, t_start, t_end, Kb1Max, Kb1Min, Kb1Tau_on, Kb1Tau_off)
% Initial phase of the curve having a min value
if t < t_start
kb_1 = Kb1Min;
% Increasing phase from Min to Max
elseif t >= t_start && t < t_end
kb_1 = Kb1Max - (Kb1Max - Kb1Min) * exp(Kb1Tau_on * (t - t_start));
else % Decreasing phase from Max to Min
kb_end = Kb1Max - (Kb1Max - Kb1Min) * exp(Kb1Tau_on * (t_end - t_start));
kb_1 = Kb1Min + (kb_end - Kb1Min) * exp(Kb1Tau_off * (t - t_end));
function dydt = ode_LR(t, y, kf_1, kb_1)
% Unpack the concentrations
Receptor_concentration = y(1);
C_LigandReceptor = y(2);
% Define the ODE system
dReceptor_dt = -kf_1(t) * Receptor_concentration + kb_1(t) * C_LigandReceptor;
d_CLigandReceptor_dt = kf_1(t) * Receptor_concentration - kb_1(t) * C_LigandReceptor;
% Pack the derivatives into a column vector
dydt = [dReceptor_dt; d_CLigandReceptor_dt];
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回答 (2 件)
Dyuman Joshi
2023 年 10 月 17 日
Double ampersand (&&) are only applicable when the output of each expression used for comparison is a scalar - Short-Circuit AND, &&.
However, you are comparing a vector to a scalar with an operation whose output is vector. Thus, you need to use single ampersand (&) symbol - and, & .
0 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2023 年 10 月 17 日
[t, y] = ode45(@(t, y) ode_LR(t, y, kf_1, kb_1), timespan, [Receptor_concentration; C_LigandReceptor_0]);
The output t will be a vector.
plot(t, kf_1(t), '-', 'LineWidth', 2);
You are passing the vector to function kf_1
kf_1 = @(t) calculate_kf(t, t_start, t_end, Kf1Max, Kf1Min, Kf1Tau_on, Kf1Tau_off );
which passes it to function calculate_kf
elseif t >= t_start && t < t_end
which assumes that it is operating on scalar t.
You should vectorize your code using logical indexing https://www.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/articles/matrix-indexing-in-matlab.html -- or you should use arrayfun() in kf_1 to ensure that you only pass a single t at a time to calculate_kf
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