how to to code iterative summations in matlab
11 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
im trying to replicate the graph below:
to be exact, for the time being im trying to replicate the black LoS curve, plotted through coding and simulating the equation below:
in the equation,we have K angles Q0_0 with values randomized between (0;2Pi) i refered to as Q in my code ,and K random angles Q0_1 random in value between (0;2PI) refered to as W in my code,
in the first G(.,.) , G1( Q(k), Q(i) ) where i and k are the i_th and k_th Q angles
and the second G(.,.), G2( Q(k), W(i) ) where i is the i_th angle of W, and k is the k_th Q angles
due do the random nature of generating the random angles Q and W,
beta_bar and SNR0 are given in dB we convert them to linear scale (and to avoid any errors in the case of 1/SNR0).
the original code used to plot the figure above is as follows:
SNR = 0;
SNR = 10^(SNR/10);
betabar = -10;
betabar = 10^(betabar/10);
K = 1:20;
M = [10 100];
Kmax = max(K);
Mmax = max(M);
numberOfRealizations = 1000;
Q_00 = 2*pi*rand(1,Kmax,numberOfRealizations);
Q_01 = 2*pi*rand(1,Kmax,numberOfRealizations);
antennaSpacing = 1/2;
SE_MR_LoS = zeros(length(K),length(M));
for n = 1:numberOfRealizations
disp([num2str(n) ' realizations out of ' num2str(numberOfRealizations)]);
%Go through the range of number of UEs
for kindex = 1:length(K)
%Go through the range of number of BS antennas
for mindex = 1:length(M)
%Compute the SE with MR under LoS propagation using (1.43) for
%one realization of the UE angles
argumentsDesired = pi*antennaSpacing*( repmat(sin(Q_00(1,1:K(kindex),n)),[K(kindex) 1])...
- repmat(sin(Q_00(1,1:K(kindex),n))',[1 K(kindex)]) );
argumentsInterfering = pi*antennaSpacing*( repmat(sin(Q_00(1,1:K(kindex),n)),[K(kindex) 1])...
- repmat(sin(Q_01(1,1:K(kindex),n))',[1 K(kindex)]) );
oneminuscos = sin(argumentsDesired).^2 + eye(K(kindex));
%Compute the uplink SE with MR combining
SE_MR_LoS(kindex,mindex) = SE_MR_LoS(kindex,mindex) +...
sum(log2(1 + SNR*M(mindex)*ones(1,K(kindex)) ./...
( (SNR)*sum( (sin(M(mindex)*argumentsDesired)).^2 ./ (M(mindex)*oneminuscos),1) +...
(SNR)*betabar*sum( (sin(M(mindex)*argumentsInterfering)).^2 ./ (M(mindex)*(sin( argumentsInterfering)).^2), 1) + 1)))/numberOfRealizations;
%% Plot the simulation results for MR combining
hold on; box on; grid on;
for mindex = 1:length(M)
xlabel('Number of UEs (K)');
ylabel('Average sum SE [bit/s/Hz/cell]');
ylim([0 120]);
i was told to avoid plagia i have to write my own code, so i did my best to write a code that function similarly. my best attempt code is below:
% parameters
dH = 1/2;
M = 100;
K_UE = 1:20;
Kmax = max(K_UE);
num_realizations = 1000;
SNR0_dB = 0;
SNR0 = 10^( SNR0_dB /10);
beta_bar_dB = -10;
beta_bar = 10^( beta_bar_dB /10);
% Compute SE_LOS for each value of K
TOT_SUM = 0;
SE_LOS = zeros(Kmax,1);
W = 2*pi*rand(Kmax,num_realizations); % W angles of each inter_cell UE
Q = 2*pi*rand(Kmax,num_realizations); % Q angles of each intra_cell UE
for kk = 1:length(K_UE)
disp([num2str(kk) ' realizations out of ' num2str(Kmax)]);
G1 = zeros(Kmax, Kmax, num_realizations); % Initialize G1 as a 3D array
G2 = zeros(Kmax, Kmax, num_realizations); % Initialize G2 as a 3D array
for j = 1:num_realizations
for i = 1:kk
for k = 1:kk
G_intra = pi*dH*( sin( Q(i,j) ) - sin( Q(k,j)) ) ;
G_inter = pi*dH*( sin( Q(i,j) ) - sin( W(k,j)) ) ;
% Gx(i,k,1) = 2*pi*dH*( sin( Q(i,j) ) - sin( Q(k,j)) );
if i ~= k && sin( Q(i,j)) ~= sin( Q(k,j))
G1(i,k,j) = (sin( M* G_intra )) .^2./...
M* (sin( G_intra )) .^2;
else if i ~= k && sin( Q(i,j)) == sin( Q(k,j))
G1(i,k,j) = M;
G1(i,k,j) = 0;
if sin( Q(i,j)) ~= sin( W(k,j))
G2(i,k,j) = (sin( M* G_inter )) .^2./...
M* (sin( G_inter )) .^2;
G2(i,k,j) = M;
alpha = log( 1 + M ./...
((sum(G1(:)) )./num_realizations + beta_bar* (sum(G2(:)))./num_realizations + (1./SNR0))) ;
TOT_SUM = TOT_SUM + alpha;
%% Plot SE_LOS as function of K_UE
grid on; box on; hold on;
plot(K_UE, SE_LOS(:,1));
grid on; box on;
xlabel('Number of UEs (K)')
ylabel('Sum SE (bits/s/Hz)')
i decided to take the nested loops approach, because i lack understanding when it comes to matrices,
i believe the i and k nested loops
for i = 1:kk
for k = 1:kk
G_intra = pi*dH*( sin( Q(i,j) ) - sin( Q(k,j)) ) ;
G_inter = pi*dH*( sin( Q(i,j) ) - sin( W(k,j)) ) ;
should function similarly to the repmat approach in the original code and should lead to similar results to that of the "argumentDesired" matrix considering they'll end up being summed,
argumentsDesired = pi*dH*( repmat(sin( Q_00(1,1:K(kindex),n)),[K(kindex) 1])...
- repmat(sin( Q_00(1,1:K(kindex),n))',[1 K(kindex)]) );
before i faced issue making the SE_LoS summation add previous values to current ones, but now i don't understand why my curve doesnt resemble the desired code, as my curve is almost linear:
i also didn't understand why in the original code, why the SE_LoS is summed despite using adding previous iterations
SE_MR_LoS(kindex,mindex) = SE_MR_LoS(kindex,mindex) + sum( full equation)
i hope this post wasnt too long,i apologize for the bad english, all advice and help is greatly appreciated!
5 件のコメント
Bruno Luong
2023 年 9 月 19 日
Just wonder, if you have both codes why can't you just run and see what is the difference?
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