how to speed ...i need very fast code

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Luca Re
Luca Re 2023 年 8 月 30 日
コメント済み: Luca Re 2023 年 8 月 31 日
q=6062; %%I want to call this code and pass it a different 'q' each time
for yy=1:c
cc=sum((a>0 & b>0)|(a<0 & b<0),1);
cc1=sum(a~=0 & b~=0,1);
COR(yy,gg)=round(cc./cc1*1000)/1000; %round(100 * cc./cc1)/100; %%array multidimension


Star Strider
Star Strider 2023 年 8 月 30 日
編集済み: Star Strider 2023 年 8 月 30 日
Putting the ‘a’ conditional tests outside the loop (and still within the tic-toc block) sppeds it up a bit —
LD = load('matlab_matri.mat')
LD = struct with fields:
matri: [6165×351 double]
matri = LD.matri;
q=6062; %%I want to call this code and pass it a different 'q' each time
for yy=1:c
cc=sum((a>0 & b>0)|(a<0 & b<0),1);
cc1=sum(a~=0 & b~=0,1);
COR(yy,gg)=round(cc./cc1*1000)/1000; %round(100 * cc./cc1)/100; %%array multidimension
Elapsed time is 3.543419 seconds.
COR = 351×351
1.0000 0.5210 0.5090 0.5000 0.5000 0.5180 0.5010 0.5180 0.5150 0.5030 0.4950 0.4820 0.4870 0.4990 0.5020 0.4840 0.5020 0.5100 0.4980 0.4950 0.5140 0.5190 0.4920 0.5110 0.5070 0.5110 0.4900 0.5270 0.5200 0.5080 0.5210 1.0000 0.4900 0.4890 0.4810 0.5120 0.4730 0.5660 0.4860 0.4940 0.4740 0.5540 0.5320 0.5310 0.5290 0.5150 0.5120 0.5160 0.4970 0.5190 0.5190 0.4750 0.5250 0.5360 0.4580 0.5290 0.5120 0.5440 0.4720 0.5060 0.5090 0.4900 1.0000 0.5100 0.5160 0.5320 0.5320 0.5430 0.4900 0.5170 0.5620 0.4810 0.4930 0.4880 0.4990 0.4770 0.4640 0.4930 0.4940 0.4860 0.5120 0.5000 0.4950 0.5160 0.5060 0.5300 0.5040 0.4980 0.4820 0.4790 0.5000 0.4890 0.5100 1.0000 0.6350 0.5780 0.5720 0.4980 0.5090 0.5310 0.5430 0.5050 0.5050 0.4890 0.5110 0.5250 0.4900 0.4900 0.5000 0.4730 0.5010 0.5100 0.5090 0.5280 0.4930 0.4590 0.4940 0.4980 0.4440 0.5220 0.5000 0.4810 0.5160 0.6350 1.0000 0.5260 0.6010 0.6720 0.4570 0.5190 0.5480 0.5070 0.4980 0.4890 0.4760 0.5030 0.4590 0.5040 0.4970 0.4980 0.5180 0.4940 0.4940 0.4840 0.4790 0.4800 0.5470 0.4980 0.4310 0.5110 0.5180 0.5120 0.5320 0.5780 0.5260 1.0000 0.5210 0.4540 0.5660 0.5380 0.4030 0.5250 0.4960 0.4860 0.4870 0.4980 0.5090 0.4890 0.4800 0.5170 0.4890 0.5280 0.4910 0.4840 0.5210 0.4690 0.5380 0.4780 0.5560 0.5030 0.5010 0.4730 0.5320 0.5720 0.6010 0.5210 1.0000 0.5930 0.4810 0.5490 0.4970 0.5080 0.4930 0.4950 0.4940 0.5180 0.4810 0.4860 0.5090 0.4960 0.4810 0.4950 0.5130 0.5240 0.5090 0.5360 0.5090 0.5010 0.4850 0.5140 0.5180 0.5660 0.5430 0.4980 0.6720 0.4540 0.5930 1.0000 0.2900 0.4920 0.5990 0.5670 0.4830 0.4860 0.5000 0.5140 0.5080 0.4900 0.5130 0.5120 0.4940 0.4690 0.4670 0.5190 0.4570 0.4330 0.5070 0.5160 0.5000 0.5010 0.5150 0.4860 0.4900 0.5090 0.4570 0.5660 0.4810 0.2900 1.0000 0.5280 0.4470 0.4890 0.5200 0.5020 0.5140 0.5150 0.5260 0.5140 0.5020 0.5260 0.4950 0.5030 0.5190 0.5050 0.4850 0.5150 0.4770 0.4970 0.5380 0.5150 0.5030 0.4940 0.5170 0.5310 0.5190 0.5380 0.5490 0.4920 0.5280 1.0000 0.4810 0.5040 0.5000 0.5120 0.5150 0.4830 0.4950 0.4860 0.4960 0.4980 0.4890 0.5130 0.5040 0.5030 0.5290 0.4920 0.5180 0.5090 0.5220 0.5030
agt0 = matrix>0;
alt0 = matrix<0;
ane0 = matrix~=0;
for yy = 1:c
cc=sum((agt0 & agt0(:,yy))|(alt0 & alt0(:,yy)),1);
cc1=sum(ane0 & ane0(:,yy),1);
COR(:,yy) = cc./cc1;
COR = round(COR,4);
Elapsed time is 1.354815 seconds.
COR = 351×351
1.0000 0.5214 0.5091 0.5004 0.5000 0.5175 0.5008 0.5180 0.5149 0.5029 0.4950 0.4825 0.4866 0.4991 0.5015 0.4843 0.5015 0.5105 0.4979 0.4950 0.5139 0.5189 0.4918 0.5114 0.5071 0.5105 0.4899 0.5267 0.5199 0.5084 0.5214 1.0000 0.4899 0.4886 0.4810 0.5116 0.4734 0.5665 0.4858 0.4944 0.4737 0.5544 0.5316 0.5314 0.5294 0.5146 0.5117 0.5158 0.4974 0.5185 0.5191 0.4747 0.5247 0.5361 0.4582 0.5287 0.5117 0.5441 0.4718 0.5063 0.5091 0.4899 1.0000 0.5104 0.5159 0.5322 0.5320 0.5432 0.4901 0.5170 0.5622 0.4811 0.4930 0.4883 0.4993 0.4773 0.4639 0.4934 0.4944 0.4857 0.5116 0.5000 0.4949 0.5161 0.5056 0.5304 0.5044 0.4980 0.4819 0.4786 0.5004 0.4886 0.5104 1.0000 0.6349 0.5780 0.5720 0.4984 0.5089 0.5313 0.5430 0.5051 0.5052 0.4885 0.5109 0.5252 0.4895 0.4898 0.4996 0.4734 0.5015 0.5104 0.5094 0.5282 0.4931 0.4593 0.4944 0.4979 0.4444 0.5220 0.5000 0.4810 0.5159 0.6349 1.0000 0.5259 0.6009 0.6725 0.4570 0.5192 0.5476 0.5069 0.4976 0.4890 0.4761 0.5030 0.4594 0.5040 0.4975 0.4978 0.5176 0.4943 0.4941 0.4838 0.4789 0.4800 0.5473 0.4985 0.4305 0.5109 0.5175 0.5116 0.5322 0.5780 0.5259 1.0000 0.5210 0.4540 0.5655 0.5380 0.4029 0.5251 0.4961 0.4855 0.4871 0.4982 0.5087 0.4888 0.4797 0.5167 0.4890 0.5276 0.4913 0.4835 0.5209 0.4685 0.5381 0.4777 0.5563 0.5030 0.5008 0.4734 0.5320 0.5720 0.6009 0.5210 1.0000 0.5931 0.4810 0.5494 0.4968 0.5082 0.4934 0.4948 0.4937 0.5185 0.4807 0.4862 0.5094 0.4961 0.4811 0.4954 0.5132 0.5243 0.5086 0.5358 0.5086 0.5015 0.4847 0.5144 0.5180 0.5665 0.5432 0.4984 0.6725 0.4540 0.5931 1.0000 0.2897 0.4920 0.5989 0.5667 0.4829 0.4862 0.5000 0.5144 0.5081 0.4904 0.5133 0.5117 0.4943 0.4694 0.4669 0.5195 0.4573 0.4330 0.5066 0.5159 0.5000 0.5010 0.5149 0.4858 0.4901 0.5089 0.4570 0.5655 0.4810 0.2897 1.0000 0.5284 0.4468 0.4890 0.5205 0.5022 0.5140 0.5147 0.5258 0.5141 0.5022 0.5261 0.4949 0.5029 0.5187 0.5053 0.4851 0.5148 0.4771 0.4972 0.5375 0.5152 0.5029 0.4944 0.5170 0.5313 0.5192 0.5380 0.5494 0.4920 0.5284 1.0000 0.4811 0.5037 0.5000 0.5121 0.5149 0.4826 0.4946 0.4856 0.4957 0.4976 0.4886 0.5129 0.5043 0.5033 0.5292 0.4918 0.5183 0.5092 0.5216 0.5033
EDIT — Slight tweak to create all the conditionals together.
  2 件のコメント
Luca Re
Luca Re 2023 年 8 月 30 日
I saw that the vectorization can not be done get times of 1/10 from my ..patience I accept this last
Star Strider
Star Strider 2023 年 8 月 30 日
Thank you!


その他の回答 (2 件)

Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023 年 8 月 30 日
編集済み: Bruno Luong 2023 年 8 月 30 日
You want REALLY FAST code?
Watch this, almost 100 time faster
q=6062; %%I want to call this code and pass it a different 'q' each time
COR=zeros(c,c); % you have to count this as well
for yy=1:c
cc=sum((a>0 & b>0)|(a<0 & b<0),1);
cc1=sum(a~=0 & b~=0,1);
COR(yy,gg)=round(cc./cc1*1000)/1000; %round(100 * cc./cc1)/100; %%array multidimension
Elapsed time is 2.403425 seconds.
s = sign(matrix);
b = double(matrix~=0);
cor = round((1 + (s'*s)./(b'*b))*500)/1000;
Elapsed time is 0.025416 seconds.
% Does it match?
ans = logical
  4 件のコメント
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2023 年 8 月 31 日
編集済み: Bruno Luong 2023 年 8 月 31 日
No it is not correct.
Correct one is this
% cor = round((1 + (s'*s)./((b'*b)+eps(0.5)))*500)/1000;
This will return identical numerical result, excepted when working on colum dot-product that contain all 0s.
The reason is the minimum strictly positive of (b'*b) is 1, adding eps(0.5) to it does not change the value, unless it is 0 where it protect the denominator to vanishe, as showed here
q=6062; %%I want to call this code and pass it a different 'q' each time
s = sign(matrix);
b = double(matrix~=0);
cor = round((1 + (s'*s)./(b'*b))*500)/1000;
s = sign(matrix);
b = double(matrix~=0);
cornan = round((1 + (s'*s)./((b'*b)+eps(0.5)))*500)/1000;
any(isnan(cor),'all') % nan is present
ans = logical
any(isnan(cornan),'all') % nan disappears
ans = logical
% Does it match? 0 is perfectly match
ans = 0
Note that in my case cornan contain 1 for correlation of two colums of matrix that do not share 1s, and not 0 as with your code. It is somewhat an arbitrary choice, since the correlation is undefined. Without protection MATLAB NaN result is actually more "correct" IMO since it reflects this fact of arbitrary choice.
If it bother you, just do not protect, then simply add this at the end:
cor(isnan(cor)) = 0;
Alternatively you can do this to return 0 for degenerated case
s = sign(matrix);
b = double(matrix~=0);
btb = b'*b;
cornan = round(((btb + (s'*s))./(btb+eps(0.5)))*500)/1000;
Luca Re
Luca Re 2023 年 8 月 31 日
Thank you


David Hill
David Hill 2023 年 8 月 30 日
for yy=1:c
COR(yy,:)=round(sum((a>0 & b>0)|(a<0 & b<0),1)./sum(a~=0 & b~=0,1),3);
  1 件のコメント
Luca Re
Luca Re 2023 年 8 月 30 日
編集済み: Luca Re 2023 年 8 月 30 日
Elapsed time is 4.489091 seconds. My Code
Elapsed time is 4.406116 seconds. Your Code
time is similar


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