
Plotting the outcome of a 3D fit

7 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Saeid 2023 年 8 月 21 日
コメント済み: Saeid 2023 年 8 月 21 日
I have a set of data in the form [X Y Z] where X, Y and Z are column arrays. I can plot these data using scatter3. However, when I do the fit and then try to plot a surface of the fit with new Xf & Yf values in a range that is a bit beyond the original X & Y, I try this:
XYZFitCoefficinets=fit([X Y],Z,"poly22")
Xf=linspace(0,30,100)'; Yf=linspace(40,140,100)';
Zf=feval(XYZFitCoefficinets,[Xf, Yf])
I get another column array that just shows the calculated points, whereas I need a surface. I know that I need to use the surf function and turn Xf and Yf into mesh grids, but apparently it is not possible to use the feval with meshgridded X & Y. So what can i do?


Torsten 2023 年 8 月 21 日
編集済み: Torsten 2023 年 8 月 21 日
x = 0:0.1:1;
y = -1:0.1:1;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = X.^2+Y.^2+0.1*(-1+2*rand(size(X)));
[Xout,Yout,Zout] = prepareSurfaceData(X,Y,Z);
S = fit([Xout,Yout],Zout,"poly22")
Linear model Poly22: S(x,y) = p00 + p10*x + p01*y + p20*x^2 + p11*x*y + p02*y^2 Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): p00 = 0.01879 (-0.001415, 0.039) p10 = -0.02596 (-0.1119, 0.05996) p01 = -0.007346 (-0.02993, 0.01523) p20 = 1.018 (0.9357, 1.101) p11 = 0.009983 (-0.02819, 0.04815) p02 = 0.9853 (0.963, 1.008)
xq = 0:0.01:0.5;
yq = -1:0.01:0;
[Xq,Yq] = meshgrid(xq,yq);
ans = 101×51
1.0115 1.0112 1.0112 1.0113 1.0117 1.0122 1.0130 1.0140 1.0151 1.0165 1.0181 1.0199 1.0218 1.0240 1.0264 1.0290 1.0318 1.0348 1.0380 1.0414 1.0450 1.0489 1.0529 1.0571 1.0615 1.0662 1.0710 1.0760 1.0813 1.0867 0.9918 0.9915 0.9915 0.9916 0.9920 0.9926 0.9933 0.9943 0.9955 0.9968 0.9984 1.0002 1.0022 1.0044 1.0067 1.0093 1.0121 1.0151 1.0184 1.0218 1.0254 1.0292 1.0332 1.0374 1.0419 1.0465 1.0513 1.0564 1.0616 1.0671 0.9723 0.9721 0.9720 0.9722 0.9725 0.9731 0.9738 0.9748 0.9760 0.9774 0.9789 0.9807 0.9827 0.9849 0.9873 0.9899 0.9927 0.9957 0.9989 1.0023 1.0059 1.0097 1.0138 1.0180 1.0224 1.0270 1.0319 1.0369 1.0422 1.0476 0.9530 0.9528 0.9527 0.9529 0.9532 0.9538 0.9546 0.9555 0.9567 0.9581 0.9597 0.9614 0.9634 0.9656 0.9680 0.9706 0.9734 0.9764 0.9796 0.9830 0.9866 0.9905 0.9945 0.9987 1.0031 1.0078 1.0126 1.0177 1.0229 1.0283 0.9339 0.9337 0.9336 0.9338 0.9341 0.9347 0.9355 0.9364 0.9376 0.9390 0.9406 0.9424 0.9443 0.9465 0.9489 0.9515 0.9543 0.9573 0.9605 0.9640 0.9676 0.9714 0.9754 0.9796 0.9841 0.9887 0.9935 0.9986 1.0038 1.0093 0.9150 0.9148 0.9147 0.9149 0.9153 0.9158 0.9166 0.9176 0.9187 0.9201 0.9217 0.9235 0.9255 0.9277 0.9300 0.9326 0.9355 0.9385 0.9417 0.9451 0.9487 0.9525 0.9565 0.9608 0.9652 0.9698 0.9747 0.9797 0.9850 0.9904 0.8964 0.8961 0.8961 0.8962 0.8966 0.8971 0.8979 0.8989 0.9000 0.9014 0.9030 0.9048 0.9068 0.9090 0.9114 0.9140 0.9168 0.9198 0.9230 0.9264 0.9300 0.9338 0.9379 0.9421 0.9465 0.9512 0.9560 0.9611 0.9663 0.9718 0.8779 0.8776 0.8776 0.8777 0.8781 0.8786 0.8794 0.8804 0.8816 0.8829 0.8845 0.8863 0.8883 0.8905 0.8929 0.8955 0.8983 0.9013 0.9045 0.9079 0.9115 0.9154 0.9194 0.9236 0.9281 0.9327 0.9375 0.9426 0.9478 0.9533 0.8595 0.8593 0.8593 0.8594 0.8598 0.8603 0.8611 0.8621 0.8633 0.8646 0.8662 0.8680 0.8700 0.8722 0.8746 0.8772 0.8800 0.8830 0.8862 0.8896 0.8933 0.8971 0.9011 0.9053 0.9098 0.9144 0.9193 0.9243 0.9296 0.9350 0.8414 0.8412 0.8412 0.8413 0.8417 0.8422 0.8430 0.8440 0.8452 0.8465 0.8481 0.8499 0.8519 0.8541 0.8565 0.8591 0.8619 0.8649 0.8681 0.8716 0.8752 0.8790 0.8830 0.8873 0.8917 0.8963 0.9012 0.9062 0.9115 0.9169
  1 件のコメント
Saeid 2023 年 8 月 21 日
Thank you Torsten, that's exactly what I wanted!


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