Inserting a comment before the pdf report of the execution of a matlab.unittest.TestCase function

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have not been able to find the solution to this anywhere: I have a Testcase class, containing several functions that relate to all the individual tests I wish to perform on a Simulink model. The results of each individual test is logged accordingly in a pdf obtained using a different script.
What I wish to do is add a comment before the execution of each individual function in the test case. I'll provide a picture of both the current execution of our code, as well as what I wish to do:
My code for the Testcase class:
classdef tests_HIL_ADF < matlab.unittest.TestCase
function SC001_SN001_SN002(testCase)
global in_test;
simulation_out = sim('my_open_simulink_model',400);
sim_out = struct(simulation_out);
oracle = struct(OUT_Test);
simulation_time = (1:1:length(oracle.Data.ADF_Static_Q_Valid));
import matlab.unittest.diagnostics.FigureDiagnostic
f = figure;
plot(simulation_time, sim_out.Data.ADF_Static_Q_Valid(simulation_time), simulation_time, oracle.Data.ADF_Static_Q_Valid); grid on
legend("Simulation Output", "Oracle");
testCase.verifyEqual(uint8(sim_out.Data.ADF_Static_Q_Valid(simulation_time)), uint8(oracle.Data.ADF_Static_Q_Valid), 'RelTol', 0.1, ["ADF_Static_Q_Valid", FigureDiagnostic(f,'Prefix','SC001_SN001_SN002_ADF_Static_Q_Valid','Formats','png')]);
f = figure;
plot(simulation_time, sim_out.Data.Train_Info_Q_Valid(simulation_time), simulation_time, oracle.Data.Train_Info_Q_Valid); grid on
legend("Simulation Output", "Oracle");
testCase.verifyEqual(uint8(sim_out.Data.Train_Info_Q_Valid(simulation_time)), uint8(oracle.Data.Train_Info_Q_Valid),'AbsTol',1, ["Train_Info_Q_Valid", FigureDiagnostic(f,'Prefix','SC001_SN001_SN002_Train_Info_Q_Valid','Formats','png')]);
% more functions with different variables go here
The code used to run the script and generate the PDF file:
import matlab.unittest.TestRunner
import matlab.unittest.TestSuite
import matlab.unittest.plugins.TestReportPlugin
import matlab.unittest.plugins.CodeCoveragePlugin
import matlab.unittest.plugins.codecoverage.CoverageReport
global in_test;
suite = TestSuite.fromFile('tests_HIL_ADF.m');
runner = TestRunner.withTextOutput;
pdfFile = strcat('tests_HIL_ADF.pdf');
plugin = TestReportPlugin.producingPDF(pdfFile,...
'LoggingLevel', 4);
result =
Its output:
What I WISH to see in the output:
Any idea how I can get that "Comments" section to print out for each function in the resulting PDF? Even if it's weird workarounds, I'm okay either way.

回答 (1 件)

Malay Agarwal
Malay Agarwal 2023 年 7 月 12 日
Hi Marco,
Please take a look at this resource and see if it helps you out: Plugin to Generate Custom Test Output Format - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks India. You need to create a custom plugin that adds the comments into the report. Please revert back if this doesn't help.
  3 件のコメント
Malay Agarwal
Malay Agarwal 2023 年 7 月 13 日
I'll see if I can find anything else to help you out.
Marco Montanaro
Marco Montanaro 2023 年 7 月 14 日
Thank you, consider it a low priority task though. I will update the question if I find a suitable answer, too.
Thank you for your cooperation!



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