- meshgridで16 個の架空粒子の開始位置を定義しています。粒子はすべて x = 80 からスタートし、20 ~ 50 の範囲の開始 y 位置と 0 ~ 15 の範囲の開始 z 位置をもちます。
- 大気の流れにおける startX、startY、startZ という一連の開始位置に置かれた架空粒子について、3-D 流線の頂点データを計算します。
% Load the wind data set which includes wind velocity components (u,v,w) and grid coordinates (x,y,z)
load wind;
% Extract a subset of the grid coordinates and wind velocity components
X = x(5:10,20:25,6:10); % Extract a subset of x-coordinates
Y = y(5:10,20:25,6:10); % Extract a subset of y-coordinates
Z = z(5:10,20:25,6:10); % Extract a subset of z-coordinate
U = u(5:10,20:25,6:10); % Extract a subset of u-component of wind velocity
V = v(5:10,20:25,6:10); % Extract a subset of v-component of wind velocity
W = w(5:10,20:25,6:10); % Extract a subset of w-component of wind velocity
% Create a 3D quiver plot to visualize the vectors
quiver3(x,y,z,u,v,w); % Plot vectors as arrows
% Define the starting points for streamlines
[startX,startY,startZ] = meshgrid(80,20:10:50,0:5:15); % Create a 3D grid of starting points
% Compute 3D streamlines from vector data
verts = stream3(x,y,z,u,v,w,startX,startY,startZ); % Compute streamlines for the vector field
lineobj = streamline(verts); % Plot the streamlines
% Set the view and axis properties for the plot
view(3); % Set the view to 3D
axis equal; % Set the aspect ratio of the plot to be equal