How to create/use prototype fimes when deploying Matlab applications: Error using loadlibrary

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Ion CANDEL 2015 年 4 月 2 日
コメント済み: Corey 2022 年 8 月 26 日
Dear all,
I have made a GUI in Maltab and a part of the code uses a library and some DLLs. The application works very well. However, when trying to deploy it (compile it into an executable), I get an error because of the loading of libraries in deployed applications. More precisely, at the line: [ notfound , warnings ] = loadlibrary( obj.sLibrary ,'my_lib.h','mfilename', 'my_lib.m', 'addheader' , 'my_lib' ); outputs the following error:
Error using ==> loadlibrary(line 240). Deployed applications must use a prototype file instead of a header file. To create the prototype, use the loadlibrary mfilename option. Use the prototype file in compiled code. See for more information.
I have tried many attempts and with no positive result. I am not familiar with prototype files, I could not find any detailed reference. Therefore, I have edited the file "my_lib.h" and saved a new copy of it and renamed it "my_lib.m".
In spite of my best efforts, I cannot figure this thing out. Can anyone help me?
Best regards, Ion

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