ode45 for sinc function

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Muhammad 2023 年 3 月 20 日
コメント済み: Muhammad 2023 年 3 月 20 日
Hey guys, i want to ask if ode45 can be used to solve state equation that has a sinc function in it.
My state equation is:
function dstatesdt = midterm2(t,state)
x1 = state(1);
x2 = state(2);
z1 = 1/(5^2 - x1^2);
z2 = 1/(5^2 - x2^2);
% u = - (x1*(z1/z2 + 1) + z1*x1^2*sinc(x2)/z2 + x2^2 + x2);x
u = - (x1*(z1/z2 + 1) + 2*z1*x1^2*sinc(x2)/z2 + x2^2 + x2);
% u = - (x1*(z1/z2 + 1) + z1*x1^2*sinc(x2)/z2 + x2^2 + x2 + x2/z1);
x1dot = x2 + x1*sin(x2);
x2dot = x2^2 + x1 + u;
dstatesdt = [x1dot;x2dot];
And my function to solve and plot the ODE is:
function sim_ode(dstatesdt,tspan,bx1,dx1,bx2,dx2,arg)
for x1 = bx1(1):dx1:bx1(2)
for x2 = bx2(1):dx2:bx2(2)
xi = [x1,x2] %show initial point
[to,stateo] = ode45(dstatesdt,tspan,xi);
x1o = stateo(:,1);
x2o = stateo(:,2);
% if any(x1o >= 5) | any(x1o <= -5) | any(x2o >= 5) | any(x2o <= -5)
% fprintf('Overbound for Initial State [%s,%d] \n',x1,x2)
% end
if arg == 1
elseif arg == 2
% plot(x1,x2,'bo')
% plot(x1o(end),x2o(end),'ks')
And i run this code on main script:
f = @midterm2;
hold on
title('Time Series of x_1')
xlabel('t (s)')
ylabel('x_1 (t)')
sim_ode(f,[0 10],[-4.5 4.5],0.5,[-4.5 4.5],0.5,1)
hold off
at first inital point [-4.5 -4.5] the codes didn't plot anything and didn't show any error and just kept running (around 5 min) so i stop it and this showed up in command prompt:
xi =
-4.5000 -4.5000
Operation terminated by user during ode45
In sim_ode (line 6)
[to,stateo] = ode45(dstatesdt,tspan,xi);
In main_sim (line 15)
sim_ode(f,[0 10],[-4.5 4.5],0.5,[-4.5 4.5],0.5,1)
Any help would be appriciated!


Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023 年 3 月 20 日
編集済み: Sam Chak 2023 年 3 月 20 日
Although your system is highly nonlinear, the ode45 can evaluate the sinc() function. However, your choice of initial values causes the trajectory to diverge to , where the singularity (division-by-zero) occurs in this term .
[x, y] = meshgrid(-4.9:0.35:4.9);
z1 = 1./(5^2 - x.^2);
z2 = 1./(5^2 - y.^2);
w = - (x.*(z1./z2 + 1) + 2*z1.*(x.^2).*sinc(y)./z2 + y.^2 + y);
u = y + x.*sin(y);
v = y.^2 + x + w;
l = streamslice(x, y, u, v);
axis tight
Choosing another set of initial values, for example, causes the trajectory to converge to the origin.
tspan = linspace(0, 10, 101);
x0 = [-4.5 4.5];
[t, x] = ode45(@midterm2, tspan, x0);
plot(t, x, 'linewidth', 1.5), grid on
xlabel('t'), ylabel('\bf{x}'),
legend('x_{1}', 'x_{2}')
function dstatesdt = midterm2(t, state)
x1 = state(1);
x2 = state(2);
z1 = 1/(5^2 - x1^2);
z2 = 1/(5^2 - x2^2);
% u = - (x1*(z1/z2 + 1) + z1*x1^2*sinc(x2)/z2 + x2^2 + x2);x
u = - (x1*(z1/z2 + 1) + 2*z1*x1^2*sinc(x2)/z2 + x2^2 + x2);
% u = - (x1*(z1/z2 + 1) + z1*x1^2*sinc(x2)/z2 + x2^2 + x2 + x2/z1);
x1dot = x2 + x1*sin(x2);
x2dot = x2^2 + x1 + u;
dstatesdt = [x1dot; x2dot];
  3 件のコメント
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2023 年 3 月 20 日
編集済み: Sam Chak 2023 年 3 月 20 日
Your originally query on the sinc() function is cleared up. However, I'm unfamiliar with your design of u. Your system is highly nonlinear and due to this trigonometric term , there can be multiple equilibrium points. So, I suggest that a Variable Structure Control approach to be implemented. You can test different initial values.
If you find the additional solution and suggested control laws are helpful, please consider accepting ✔ and voting 👍 the Answer. Thanks a bunch! 🙏
[x, y] = meshgrid(-4.9:0.35:4.9);
% w = (- 2*(x.*sin(y) + y) - 2*x - y.^2 - (x.*sin(y) + y).*sin(y) - x.*cos(y).*(y.^2 + x))./(x.*cos(y) + 1);
w = - 5*tanh((x + y)/0.1) - (y.^2 + x);
u = y + x.*sin(y);
v = y.^2 + x + w;
l = streamslice(x, y, u, v); hold on
plot(0, 0, 'ro', 'linewidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10), hold on
plot(-pi/2, pi/2, 'ro', 'linewidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10), hold on
plot(3*pi/2, -3*pi/2, 'ro', 'linewidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10), hold off
axis tight
tspan = linspace(0, 30, 3001);
% x0 = [-5 -5]; % Test 1
% x0 = [-5 5]; % Test 2
x0 = [ 5 -5]; % Test 3
% x0 = [ 5 5]; % Test 4
[t, x] = ode45(@midterm2, tspan, x0);
plot(t, x, 'linewidth', 1.5), grid on
xlabel('t'), ylabel('\bf{x}'),
legend('x_{1}', 'x_{2}')
function dstatesdt = midterm2(t, state)
x = state(1);
y = state(2);
% Variable Structure Control
if (x >= -pi/2) && (y <= pi/2)
u = (- 2*(x*sin(y) + y) - 2*x - y^2 - (x*sin(y) + y)*sin(y) - x*cos(y)*(y^2 + x))/(x*cos(y) + 1);
elseif (x <= 3*pi/2) && (y >= -3*pi/2)
u = (- 2*(x*sin(y) + y) - 2*x - y^2 - (x*sin(y) + y)*sin(y) - x*cos(y)*(y^2 + x))/(x*cos(y) + 1);
u = - 5*tanh((x + y)/0.1) - (y^2 + x);
x1dot = y + x*sin(y);
x2dot = y^2 + x + u;
dstatesdt = [x1dot; x2dot];
Muhammad 2023 年 3 月 20 日
Ok, i will try to implement another control inputs. Thanks a lot!


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