Creating a movie from a figure with multiple subplots
41 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hello there! I'm trying to record a movie from a figure with 4 subplots that change over a sequence. The code below runs and shows the correct figure, but when I attempt to view the movie, it only shows a black screen and finally the completed figure at the last frame. Any help would be much appreciated!
Edit: I've attached a working test file and changed the code to define the axes outside the loop. Now I get an error message:
"All 'cdata' fields with a specified 'colormap' must be two dimensional."
I have used this script to create videos that only contain one axis, so I'm sure it's something I'm missing using multiple axes...
% Set up the movie structure.
% Preallocate movie, which will be an array of structures.
% First get a cell array with all the frames.
numberOfFrames = seq_length;
hFigure = figure;
allTheFrames = cell(numberOfFrames,1);
[vidHeight, vidWidth] = size(sequence(:,:,1));
allTheFrames(:) = {zeros(vidHeight, vidWidth, 3, 'uint8')};
% Next get a cell array with all the colormaps.
allTheColorMaps = cell(numberOfFrames,1);
allTheColorMaps(:) = {zeros(256, 3)};
% Now combine these to make the array of structures.
myMovie = struct('cdata', allTheFrames, 'colormap', allTheColorMaps);
set(gcf, 'renderer', 'zbuffer');
ax1 = subplot(2,2,1);
ax2 = subplot(2,2,2);
ax3 = subplot(2,2,3);
ax4 = subplot(2,2,4);
for i = 1:seq_length
cla reset
caxis(ax1,[0, 255]);
caxis(ax2,[0, 255]);
zlim(ax2,[0, 255]);
caxis(ax3,[0, 255]);
title(ax3,caption + " After AOC")
ylh = ylabel(ax3,{"Alpha " + num2str(alpha),"qThresh " + num2str(qThresh)});
ylh.Rotation = 0;
ylh.Position(1) = ylh.Position(1) - 25;
zlim(ax4,[0, 255]);
caxis(ax4,[0, 255]);
myMovie(frameIndex) = getframe(gcf);
% Save movie as file
promptMessage = sprintf('Do you want to save this movie to disk?');
titleBarCaption = 'Continue?';
button = questdlg(promptMessage, titleBarCaption, 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes');
if strcmpi(button, 'yes')
% Get the name of the file that the user wants to save.
% Note, if you're saving an image you can use imsave() instead of uiputfile().
startingFolder = pwd;
defaultFileName = {'*.avi';'*.mp4';'*.mj2'}; %fullfile(startingFolder, '*.avi');
[baseFileName, folder] = uiputfile(defaultFileName, 'Specify a file');
if baseFileName == 0
% User clicked the Cancel button.
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
% Create a video writer object with that file name.
% The VideoWriter object must have a profile input argument, otherwise you get jpg.
% Determine the format the user specified:
[folder, baseFileName, ext] = fileparts(fullFileName);
switch lower(ext)
case '.jp2'
profile = 'Archival';
case '.mp4'
profile = 'MPEG-4';
% Either avi or some other invalid extension.
profile = 'Uncompressed AVI';
writerObj = VideoWriter(fullFileName, profile);
% Write out all the frames.
numberOfFrames = length(myMovie);
for frameNumber = 1 : numberOfFrames
writeVideo(writerObj, myMovie(frameNumber));
% Display the current folder panel so they can see their newly created file.
message = sprintf('Finished creating movie file\n %s.\n\nDone with demo!', fullFileName);
uiwait(helpdlg('Done with demo!'));
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回答 (1 件)
Kevin Phung
2022 年 12 月 21 日
A bit hard to test your code without sample files, but I would start by defining axes handles outside of your for-loop, along with anything else that you don't intend on changing. This would allow your loop to run more efficiently. for example, you can assign a handle to your second subplot
ax2 = subplot(2,2,2)
and plot directly to it within the for loop
for i = 1:seq_length
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