To plot the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of two images in MATLAB, you can use the 'imagesc' function to display a matrix as a color image and plot the SNR values as a color map.
Assuming you have already calculated the SNR values for the two images, you can create a matrix of SNR values and then use the imagesc function to plot it. Here's an example code snippet:
SNR_matrix = [SNR_image1, SNR_image2];
This code will create a color map with two colors representing the SNR values of the two images. You can use this plot to compare the noise levels of the two images, where the color representing the higher SNR value indicates a lower noise level. You can customize the color map and the color bar to suit your needs using the 'colormap' and 'caxis' functions.
Use the following MathWorks documentation for more information: