
Trying a overlapping but piecewise plot

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Saim 2022 年 10 月 31 日
コメント済み: Star Strider 2022 年 10 月 31 日
Here is my code:
clear all
close all
syms a(x)
N1_0 = - (3*x^5)/16 + (5*x^3)/8 - (15*x)/16 + (1/2);
N2_0 = (3*x^5)/16 - (5*x^3)/8 + (15*x)/16 + 1/2;
N1_1 = - (3*x^5)/16 + x^4/16 + (5*x^3)/8 - (3*x^2)/8 - (7*x)/16 + 5/16;
N2_1 = - (3*x^5)/16 - x^4/16 + (5*x^3)/8 + (3*x^2)/8 - (7*x)/16 - 5/16;
N1_2 = - x^5/16 + x^4/16 + x^3/8 - x^2/8 - x/16 + 1/16;
N2_2 = x^5/16 + x^4/16 - x^3/8 - x^2/8 + x/16 + 1/16;
x1 = 0;
x2 = 0.25;
x3 = 0.5;
x4 = 0.75;
x5 = 1;
a(x) = piecewise(x1<=x<=x2,0,x4<=x<=x5,0,x3<=x<=x4,N1_0,x2<=x<=x3,N2_0,x2<=x<=x3,N1_1,x3<=x<=x4,N1_1,x2<=x<=x3,N2_0,x2<=x<=x3,N2_1,x3<=x<=x4,N2_2)
The idea is to overlap N1_0 to N2_2 on to 0.5, without a residual solution, but the functions should overlap each other on the same plot/line
This is the pencil sketch of how it should look like:
Feel free to ask if you want to know anything about this
Using piecewise function was my idea (coz I thought it would work but it didn't) but it is not necessary.
Feel free to modify the code as you please
Using MATLAB online
Please help


Star Strider
Star Strider 2022 年 10 月 31 日
The problem description leaves much to the imagination. If you want to offset them on the x-axis, this likely requires a loop. (I also made them functions in the event that the function argument was to be shifted, so for example the first would be ‘N1_0(x)’ the second ‘N1_0(x+0.5)’ and so for the others.) Here, I just shifted the fplot evaluation intervals.
syms a(x)
N1_0(x) = - (3*x^5)/16 + (5*x^3)/8 - (15*x)/16 + (1/2);
N2_0(x) = (3*x^5)/16 - (5*x^3)/8 + (15*x)/16 + 1/2;
N1_1(x) = - (3*x^5)/16 + x^4/16 + (5*x^3)/8 - (3*x^2)/8 - (7*x)/16 + 5/16;
N2_1(x) = - (3*x^5)/16 - x^4/16 + (5*x^3)/8 + (3*x^2)/8 - (7*x)/16 - 5/16;
N1_2(x) = - x^5/16 + x^4/16 + x^3/8 - x^2/8 - x/16 + 1/16;
N2_2(x) = x^5/16 + x^4/16 - x^3/8 - x^2/8 + x/16 + 1/16;
Nc = {N2_0; N1_1; N2_1; N1_2; N2_2};
x1 = 0;
x2 = 0.25;
x3 = 0.5;
x4 = 0.75;
x5 = 1;
% a(x) = piecewise(x1<=x<=x2,0,x4<=x<=x5,0,x3<=x<=x4,N1_0,x2<=x<=x3,N2_0,x2<=x<=x3,N1_1,x3<=x<=x4,N1_1,x2<=x<=x3,N2_0,x2<=x<=x3,N2_1,x3<=x<=x4,N2_2)
% fplot(a)
xv = [0 5];
hold on
for k = 1:numel(Nc)
fplot(Nc{k},[xv(1)+0.5*k xv(2)])
hold off
The piecewise approach would work for discontinuous funcitons (so each defined over different, consecutive intervals of ‘x’), however that is not my impression of what you want to do.
  8 件のコメント
Saim 2022 年 10 月 31 日
編集済み: Saim 2022 年 10 月 31 日
check this out, gives the exact first sketch output.
hold on
for k = [1 4 6]
hfp{k} = fplot(Nc{k},xv);
hfp{k}.Visible = 'off';
x = hfp{k}.XData;
y = hfp{k}.YData;
hp{k} = plot(x*0.125 +.625, y , 'DisplayName',lgdc{k});
for k = [2 3 5]
hfp{k} = fplot(Nc{k},xv);
hfp{k}.Visible = 'off';
x = hfp{k}.XData;
y = hfp{k}.YData;
hp{k} = plot(x*0.125 +.375, y , 'DisplayName',lgdc{k});
hold off
xlim([0 1])
title('X-Scaled & X-Shifted')
Still, all credit goes to you
PS I dont know how you run it here with the graphical and numerical output but still thanks a lot for all the help
Star Strider
Star Strider 2022 年 10 月 31 日
As always, my pleasure!
Thank you!
I was curious, so I ran it to see what it looked like —
syms a(x)
N1_0(x) = - (3*x^5)/16 + (5*x^3)/8 - (15*x)/16 + (1/2);
N2_0(x) = (3*x^5)/16 - (5*x^3)/8 + (15*x)/16 + 1/2;
N1_1(x) = - (3*x^5)/16 + x^4/16 + (5*x^3)/8 - (3*x^2)/8 - (7*x)/16 + 5/16;
N2_1(x) = - (3*x^5)/16 - x^4/16 + (5*x^3)/8 + (3*x^2)/8 - (7*x)/16 - 5/16;
N1_2(x) = - x^5/16 + x^4/16 + x^3/8 - x^2/8 - x/16 + 1/16;
N2_2(x) = x^5/16 + x^4/16 - x^3/8 - x^2/8 + x/16 + 1/16;
Nc = {N1_0; N2_0; N1_1; N2_1; N1_2; N2_2};
x1 = 0;
x2 = 0.25;
x3 = 0.5;
x4 = 0.75;
x5 = 1;
lgdc = {'N_1^0','N_2^0','N_1^1','N_2^1','N_1^2','N_2^2'};
xv = [-1 1];
hold on
for k = [1 4 6]
hfp{k} = fplot(Nc{k},xv);
hfp{k}.Visible = 'off';
x = hfp{k}.XData;
y = hfp{k}.YData;
hp{k} = plot(x*0.125 +.625, y , 'DisplayName',lgdc{k});
for k = [2 3 5]
hfp{k} = fplot(Nc{k},xv);
hfp{k}.Visible = 'off';
x = hfp{k}.XData;
y = hfp{k}.YData;
hp{k} = plot(x*0.125 +.375, y , 'DisplayName',lgdc{k});
hold off
xlim([0 1])
title('X-Scaled & X-Shifted')


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