How can i create a new table by combining the rows with identical names but with fifferent data under the same variables?
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have two large tables and they have the same column 1 and variables. The only thing different is the data. Now what i want to be able to do is to combine identical rows make a new chart were they all appear grouped. I want to then do a t test.
回答 (1 件)
2024 年 10 月 1 日
I see that you want to combine two tables based on common column. To do this, you can use the “innerjoin” function of MATLAB to merge the tables based on a single column.
Once the merged table is ready, we can use the “ttest” function to do a t test on the combined table.
You can refer to the code below for better understanding:
% Create sample tables
table1 = table(['A'; 'B'; 'C'], rand(3, 1), rand(3, 1), 'VariableNames', {'ID', 'Var1', 'Var2'});
table2 = table(['A'; 'B'; 'C'], rand(3, 1), rand(3, 1), 'VariableNames', {'ID', 'Var1', 'Var2'});
% Perform inner join on the 'ID' column
combinedTable = innerjoin(table1, table2, 'Keys', 'ID', 'RightVariables', {'Var1', 'Var2'});
% Perform t-test on the corresponding columns
[h, p] = ttest(combinedTable.Var1_table1, combinedTable.Var1_table2);
% Display the results
disp(['Hypothesis test result: ', num2str(h)]);
disp(['p-value: ', num2str(p)]);
You can go through the documentation of the following functions for better understanding:
- innerjoin:
- ttest:[SS1]
I hope this explanation works!
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