Unable to store function output in an other variable

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Muhammad Burhan Maqbool
Muhammad Burhan Maqbool 2015 年 3 月 2 日
I created a function to convert a degree value to radian. The function works fine and executed on command prompt. However, when I try to store the output of that function in to a variable, I get ' Too many output arguments error ' .
Below I am pasting the code of function:
function d2r(x) (x.*pi)./180
Above works fine
but doing below gives error
>> clear all >> a = d2r(45) Error using d2r Too many output arguments.


Julia 2015 年 3 月 2 日
if you want to have an output you have to change your script:
function out = d2r(x)
out = (x.*pi)./180
Now you should be able to call
a = d2r(45)
without error

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