Why am I receiving this error "Unrecognized function or variable '"plotspec" Error in lab2q2 (line 20) plotspec(xx,fs,256); grid on ?
22 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
amps = [100, 120];
freqs = [800,2000];
phases = [0.6*pi, -0.1*pi];
fs = 8000;
tStart = [0.1, 0.1];
durs = [0.4,0.4];
maxTime = max((sum(tStart) + sum(durs))) + 0.1; %-- Add time to show ...
% signal ending
durLengthEstimate = ceil(maxTime*fs);
tt = (0:durLengthEstimate)*(1/fs); %-- be conservative ...(add one)
xx = 0*tt; %--make a vector of zeros to hold the total ...signal
for kk = 1:length(amps)
nStart = round(fs .* tStart(kk))+1; %-- add one to avoid zero index
xNew = shortSinus(amps(kk), freqs(kk), phases(kk), fs, durs(kk));
Lnew = length(xNew);
nStop = Lnew + nStart - 1; %======== Add code
xx(nStart:nStop) = xx(nStart:nStop) + xNew;
plotspec(xx,fs,256); grid on
tt = (1/fs)*(0:length(xx)-1);
plot( tt, xx );
function xs = shortSinus(amp, freq, pha, fs, dur)
% amp = amplitude
% freq = frequency in cycle per second
% pha = phase, time offset for the first peak
% fs = number of sample values per second
% dur = duration in sec
tt = 0 : 1/fs : dur; % time indices for all the values
xs = amp * cos( freq*2*pi*tt + pha );
1 件のコメント
Star Strider
2022 年 9 月 7 日
If the code is provided as a homework laboratory exercise, be certain you have downloaded all the functions relevant to it, and copied them to an appropriate directory on your MATLAB search path. The ‘plotspec’ function is likely one of them, and I assume that ‘shortSinus’ is also one of them.
回答 (1 件)
vamshi sai yele
2022 年 9 月 14 日
I have checked my resources and as far as my knowledge I could say that 'plotSpec' might not a function in any MATLAB toolbox.
I suggest you to make sure you don't miss any file loading into the root folder/directory before you run the script so that nothing miss from directory and everything has a proper defined function/files.
0 件のコメント
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