Improve speed of linear interpolation in nested loops
8 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have to do 1-dimensional linear interpolation many times within 4 nested loops. My X-grid is sorted so I can use interp1q but the code is still slow for my purposes. I managed to do a simple vectorization that eliminates the innermost loop (so I have only 3 loops instead of 4) and it's much faster, but unfortunately still not fast enough for my problem. Any suggestions on how to improve speed? Thanks
I report below a MWE (please, bear in mind that in my real problem the grids are larger)
close all
nx = 40; % grid size for x
nb = 45; % grid size for b
nk = 55;
b_min = -100;
b_max = 300;
% Generate fake data
pol_debt = b_min+(b_max-b_min)*rand(nk,nb,nx); % in [b_min,b_max]
pol_kp_ind = randi([1,nk],nk,nb,nx); % integers in {1,2,..,nk}
pol_exitp = rand(nb,nx,nk); % in [0,1]
b_gridp = zeros(nb,nk);
for k_c =1:nk
% in general, the columns of b_gridp are *not* equal to each other
%b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min,b_max,nb)'; %EDITED HERE
b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min+rand,b_max-rand,nb)';
%% Slow, not vectorized code
stay_arr = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
for xp_c = 1:nx
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,xp_c,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,1)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % scalar
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % scalar
stay_arr(xp_c,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit; % scalar
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
%% This is a faster but not fast enough!
stay_arr2 = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,:,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,nx)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % dim is (1,nx')
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % dim is (1,nx')
stay_arr2(:,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit;
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
err = max(abs(stay_arr-stay_arr2),[],'all')
5 件のコメント
Bruno Luong
2022 年 7 月 25 日
編集済み: Bruno Luong
2022 年 7 月 25 日
This seems to work
close all
nx = 40; % grid size for x
nb = 45; % grid size for b
nk = 55;
b_min = -100;
b_max = 300;
% Generate fake data
pol_debt = b_min+(b_max-b_min)*rand(nk,nb,nx); % in [b_min,b_max]
pol_kp_ind = randi([1,nk],nk,nb,nx); % integers in {1,2,..,nk}
pol_exitp = rand(nb,nx,nk); % in [0,1]
b_gridp = zeros(nb,nk);
for k_c =1:nk
% in general, the columns of b_gridp are *not* equal to each other
b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min,b_max,nb)';
disp('start code')
stay_arr = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
for xp_c = 1:nx
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,xp_c,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,1)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % scalar
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % scalar
stay_arr(xp_c,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit; % scalar
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
%% Full vectorized code
bgridcommon = b_gridp(:,1);
Y = interp1(bgridcommon,(1:nb)',pol_debt); % nk x nb x nx
Yt = max(min(Y,nb-1),1); % no need if there is no overflowed in the data
I = floor(Yt); % nk x nb x nx
W = Y-I;
[I,J]=ndgrid(I,1:nx); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx
K = repmat(pol_kp_ind,[1 1 1 nx]);
K = reshape(K,size(I));
rhsilin = sub2ind(size(pol_exitp),I,J,K); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx;
rhsilin = reshape(rhsilin, [nk,nb,nx,nx]);
dexit_inter = (1-W).*pol_exitp(rhsilin) + W.*pol_exitp(rhsilin+1);
dexit_inter = permute(dexit_inter, [4 1 2 3]); % [nx,nk,nb,nx]
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1);
stay_arr2 = 1-dexit;
err = norm(stay_arr2(:)-stay_arr(:),Inf)
4 件のコメント
Bruno Luong
2022 年 7 月 26 日
編集済み: Bruno Luong
2022 年 7 月 26 日
Sorry forget my comment above about loop. The bin interval is not the first index. Here is the code corrected that works for variable bin vectors.
nx = 40; % grid size for x
nb = 45; % grid size for b
nk = 55;
b_min = -100;
b_max = 300;
% Generate fake data
pol_debt = b_min+(b_max-b_min)*rand(nk,nb,nx); % in [b_min,b_max]
pol_kp_ind = randi([1,nk],nk,nb,nx); % integers in {1,2,..,nk}
pol_exitp = rand(nb,nx,nk); % in [0,1]
b_gridp = zeros(nb,nk);
for k_c =1:nk
% in general, the columns of b_gridp are *not* equal to each other
b_gridp(:,k_c) = linspace(b_min-rand(),b_max+rand(),nb)';
disp('start code')
stay_arr = zeros(nx,nk,nb,nx);
for x_c = 1:nx % current x
for b_c = 1:nb % current debt
for k_c = 1:nk % current capital
for xp_c = 1:nx
bnext = pol_debt(k_c,b_c,x_c);
knext_ind = pol_kp_ind(k_c,b_c,x_c);
pol_exit_bx = pol_exitp(:,xp_c,knext_ind); % dim: (nb,1)
dexit_inter = interp1q(b_gridp(:,knext_ind),pol_exit_bx,bnext); % scalar
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1); % scalar
stay_arr(xp_c,k_c,b_c,x_c) = 1-dexit; % scalar
end %k_c
end %b_c
end %x_c
%% Full vectorized code
K = pol_kp_ind;
bminK = reshape(b_gridp(1,K),size(K));
bmaxK = reshape(b_gridp(nb,K),size(K));
Y = 1 + (nb-1) * (pol_debt - bminK) ./ (bmaxK-bminK);
Yt = max(min(Y,nb-1),1); % no need if there is no overflowed in the data
I = floor(Yt); % nk x nb x nx
W = Y-I;
[I,J]=ndgrid(I,1:nx); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx
K = reshape(repmat(K,[1 1 1 nx]),size(I));
rhsilin = sub2ind(size(pol_exitp),I,J,K); % (nk x nb x nx) x nx;
rhsilin = reshape(rhsilin, [nk,nb,nx,nx]);
dexit_inter = (1-W).*pol_exitp(rhsilin) + W.*pol_exitp(rhsilin+1);
dexit_inter = permute(dexit_inter, [4 1 2 3]); % [nx,nk,nb,nx]
dexit = min(max(dexit_inter,0),1);
stay_arr2 = 1-dexit;
err = norm(stay_arr2(:)-stay_arr(:),Inf)
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