how to compute optimal power allocation for sum rate maximization using NOMA scheme to allocate two different power levels to two users with different distances
12 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I need to create a cell with two users (user1(near user) & user2(far user) and compute 100 sum rates of user1 and user2 within the cell. The code will generate the different distributions of the two users in a cell. I need a loop that will generate 100 different sum rates for user1 & user2 having different distances and power coefficients (alpha1 & alpha2) within a cell. I attached the codes for a single sum rate for user1 & user2 below. Many thanks
clc; clear variables; close all;
N = 10^5; % number of channel realization
df = 5000; dn = 1000; %Distances of user1& user2 (df=distance of far user1 and dn=distance of near user2)
eta = 4;
% compute the Raileigh fading coefficent for near user1
hf = sqrt(df^-eta)*(randn(1,N) + 1i*randn(1,N))/sqrt(2);
hn = sqrt(dn^-eta)*(randn(1,N) + 1i*randn(1,N))/sqrt(2);
gf = (abs(hf)).^2; %channel gain of far user1
gn = (abs(hn)).^2; %channel gain of near user2
R1 = 1; %Target rate bps/Hz
epsilon = (2^(R1))-1; %Target SINR
%Transmit power
Pt = 0:30;
pt = (10^-3)*db2pow(Pt);
%Noise power
No = -114;
no = (10^-3)*db2pow(No);
for u = 1:length(pt)
a1 = epsilon*(no + pt(u)*gf)./(pt(u)*gf*(1+epsilon));
a1(a1>1) = 0;
a2 = 1 - a1;
%Sum rate of fair PA
C1 = log2(1 + pt(u)*a1.*gf./(pt(u)*a2.*gf + no));
C2 = log2(1 + pt(u)*a2.*gn/no);
C_sum(u) = mean(C1+C2); %cummulative sum rate
legend('Fair PA \alpha_1 = 0.75, \alpha_2 = 0.25')
xlabel('Transmit power (dBm)');
ylabel('Sum rate (bps/Hz)');
1 件のコメント
zolani ncube
2022 年 10 月 24 日
hie felix, did you manage to do this, if so please kindly share the your code
回答 (1 件)
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