Unable to unzip and untar a .tar.gz file
19 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have downloaded a .tar.gz file from the internet and I have written a code to unzip and untar the file. But there is an error keep popping up where it says the path to the file is not in a GZIP format, could anybody offer any other alternative as to how I would be able to untar and unzip the file.
myFile= "F:\podTc2_nrt_2022_001.tar.gz";
the above is the code that was written, but i get an error using matlab.io.internal.archive.core.builtin.uncompressgz, where the file thats specified is not in a GZIP format.
Many Thanks
2 件のコメント
Benjamin Thompson
2022 年 7 月 11 日
Can you try this with some other compression tool such as Winzip or 7-zip?
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