How can I calculate the iou and dice for each slices in a CT volume to obtain the mean for all the volume?

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
This is my code:
Error using load
Unable to find file or directory '25_1_50epochs.mat'.
destinationSkullTest11 = "C:\Users\User\Documents\SEM 7\FYP\Dataset\U-net\Image Test";
destinationMasksTest11 = "C:\Users\User\Documents\SEM 7\FYP\Dataset\U-net\Mask Test";
destinationPredictionFolder = "C:\Users\User\Documents\SEM 7\Deep Learning\Predicted Test";
pixelLabelID = [1 0];
classNames = ["fracture" "background"];
SkullFiles = dir(destinationSkullTest11);
SkullDirectoryNames = {SkullFiles([SkullFiles.isdir]).name};
SkullDirectoryNames = SkullDirectoryNames(~ismember(SkullDirectoryNames,{'.','..'}));
MaskFiles = dir(destinationMasksTest11);
MaskDirectoryNames = {MaskFiles([MaskFiles.isdir]).name};
MaskDirectoryNames = MaskDirectoryNames(~ismember(MaskDirectoryNames,{'.','..'}));
for z = 1:length(SkullDirectoryNames)
fullfileSkull = fullfile(destinationSkullTest11,SkullDirectoryNames(z));
fullfileMask = fullfile(destinationMasksTest11,MaskDirectoryNames(z));
imdstest11 = imageDatastore(fullfileSkull,"FileExtensions",".png","LabelSource","foldernames");
pxdstest11 = pixelLabelDatastore(fullfileMask,classNames,pixelLabelID,"FileExtensions",".png");
mkdir(fullfile(destinationPredictionFolder, MaskDirectoryNames{z}));
targetFolder = fullfile(destinationPredictionFolder, MaskDirectoryNames(z));
pxdsResults11 = semanticseg(imdstest11,net,"WriteLocation",targetFolder);
for t = 1:length(pxdsResults11.Files)
gt = readimage(pxdstest11,t);
pr = readimage(pxdsResults11,t);
confmat = segmentationConfusionMatrix(pr,gt);
% IoU = TP / (TP + FP + FN)
numeiou(t,:) = confmat(1,1);
denoiou(t,:) = confmat(1,1) + confmat(1,2) + confmat(2,1);
numeiouall = sum(numeiou);
denoiouall = sum(denoiou);
% Dice = 2TP / (2TP + FP + FN)
numedice(t,:) = 2*confmat(1,1);
denodice(t,:) = 2*confmat(1,1) + confmat(1,2) + confmat(2,1);
numediceall = sum(numedice);
denodiceall = sum(denodice);
miou(z,:) = sum(numeiouall)/sum(denoiouall);
mdice(z,:) = sum(numediceall)/sum(denodiceall);
meaniou = mean(miou);
meandice = mean(mdice);
  3 件のコメント
Wan Faiz
Wan Faiz 2022 年 5 月 29 日
How can I attach the file is larger than 5MB
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022 年 5 月 29 日
Can you use your MATLAb drive? See the 9 spot menu item on the right of your icon in the upper right corner of this page.


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