hey can any one help me with this error?
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
% Clear workspace & window
clear; clc;
% Create a vector for x values
x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
% Create a vector for y values
y = [0.5, -2, 3, 4, -1, 7, 5, 2];
% Set the value at which interpolated value has to be found
xp = 2.5;
% Call function to find the interpolated value at xp = 2.5
yp = Lagrange_IP(x, y, xp);
% Print the interpolated value
fprintf('The interpolated value at x = %.1f is %.6f\n', xp, yp);
% Create a vector for more x values
xp = linspace(x(1), x(end));
% Create a vector to store the interpolated values for each x values
yp = zeros(1, length(xp));
% Loop for each x values in vector
for i = 1 : length(xp)
% Call function to find the ith interpolated value
yp(i) = Lagrange_IP(x, y, xp(i));
% Plot the original values & interpolated values
plot(x, y, 'ro', xp, yp);
% Set x-axis label
% Set y-axis label
% Set title
title('Lagrange Interpolation');
% Function used to find the interpolated value using Lagrange Interpolation
function yp = Lagrange_IP(x, y, xp)
% Set the intial value of interpolated value
yp = 0;
% Loop for each value of x vector
for i = 1 : length(x)
% Used to find the interpolated value
p = 1;
% Loop for each value of x vector
for j = 1 : length(x)
% If the i and j both ae not equal means not same point
if i ~= j
% Compute the interpolated value for i & j
p = p * (xp - x(j))/(x(i) - x(j));
% Compute the interpolated value for ith value of y
yp = yp + p * y(i);
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