How to add text to a line in the plot?

150 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Tomaszzz 2022 年 4 月 26 日
回答済み: Simon Chan 2022 年 4 月 26 日
Hi all,
This code:
load('z_means'); load ('z_diffs'); load ('z_CR_ofmean')
figure ('color','w');
plot(z_means,z_diffs,'sr', 'MarkerSize', 9)
hold on
%Plot lines
plot(z_means,zeros(1,length(z_means)),'r', 'LineWidth', 0.7); %%%plot zero
plot(z_means, ones(1,length(z_means)).*z_CR_ofmean(1),'r--', 'LineWidth', 0.6); %%%plot the upper CR
plot(z_means, ones(1,length(z_means)).*z_CR_ofmean(2),'r--', 'LineWidth', 0.6); %%%plot the lower CR
% Add text
text(z_CR_ofmean, [mynum2str(z_CR_ofmean(1)) ''],'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',6);
text(z_means, [mynum2str(z_means,2) ''],'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',6);
text(z_CR_ofmean, [mynum2str(z_CR_ofmean(2))''],'HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle','fontsize',6);
Produces this:
and the error:
Error using text
First two or three arguments must be numeric doubles.
Wheareas I want:
  1. Add text to each line correctly (can be any text as an example). Can you help please?


Simon Chan
Simon Chan 2022 年 4 月 26 日
If they are horizontal lines, you can use function yline
By using this function, you can also add the text in the following example.

その他の回答 (1 件)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2022 年 4 月 26 日
With text you specify both the x and y-coordinate of the text. For example:
th = text(14,-0.5,'text-test that will start at x: 14, y: -0.5');
So you just need to specify an/the x-location before the specification of the y-location (z_CR_ofmean).


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