Use ImageJ to read DICOM header data

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Jered Wells
Jered Wells 2015 年 1 月 5 日
コメント済み: Image Analyst 2015 年 1 月 6 日
MATLAB's dicominfo function sometimes misreads DICOM header data. I'd like to automatically call ImageJ from the MATLAB command line to use it as a more stable DICOM interpreter. However, I am having syntax problems with calling ImageJ (java) functions and using programs like MIJ - I am not at all familiar with java! All I need is to port DICOM header data as interpreted by ImageJ into a MATLAB variable. Thanks for any help.

回答 (1 件)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015 年 1 月 5 日
  2 件のコメント
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015 年 1 月 6 日
Jered's "Answer" moved here becasue it's a reply to me rather than an "Answer" to the original question:
Image Analyst, I looked at your link, and it looks promising. However, I'm afraid I don't know how to call the ImageJ DICOM interpreter. I assume it is stored in the ij.jar file (<>. Any ideas how to call the DICOM metadata interpreter (getInfo? - getMetadata("Info")?) to provide specific fields like (0028,3010) and its daughters (0028,3002), (0028,3003), and (0028,3006)?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015 年 1 月 6 日
I haven't used DICOM in either MATLAB or ImageJ so I'm in the same boat as you. You'd be able to figure it out as well as I could. I don't even have any DICOM images to try anything with. I hope that showing you how to call an ImageJ plugin at least got you off to a good start and you'll eventually figure it out.



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