A possible bug in symbolic limit function regarding complex entities?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Dingyu Xue
Dingyu Xue 2014 年 12 月 17 日
The code I tried
>> syms z;
F=1/(z-1)^2+3/(z-1)+5/(z+1i)+6/(z-1i)^2+1/(z-2)^2+1/(z-2) % original function,
f1=(z+1i)*F % I want to cancel (z+1i) term in denominator, by multiplying F,
f1=simplify(f1) % the term (z+1i) still there in denominator, although can be
% cancelled manually,
An error occured
Error in MuPAD command: Assumptions are inconsistent. [property::_assume]
Error sym/limit (line 47)
rSym = mupadmex('symobj::map', args{1}.s, 'symobj::limit', args{2}.s, args{3}.s);
Problem: If (z+1i) term is cancelled manually, only warning will be given, only warning message given, no error, and the answer is correct. Is there a bug in the limit function, when dealing with complex numbers? Or problem with simplify function where (z+1i) cannot be exactly cancelled?
I am using MATLAB R2014a, on MS Windows 8.1

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