Restoration of damaged lines in image processing
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Original image
damaged image
I'm trying to restore the partially damaged image from the original image through interpolation to make it similar to the original image, but I don't know how. Help me
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2022 年 3 月 3 日
編集済み: DGM
2022 年 3 月 3 日
For a shape like that, it's pretty easy to get smooth results once you move to polar coordinates.
A = imread('');
s = size(A);
cn = round(s(1:2)/2); % [ycenter xcenter]
% find locations of outline pixels
[idxy idxx] = find(A>128); % in rect coord
[idxth idxr] = cart2pol(idxx-cn(2),idxy-cn(1)); % in polar coord
% sort pixel locations by angular position wrt image center
[idxth sortmap] = sort(idxth,'ascend');
idxr = idxr(sortmap);
% one approach would be to fit a spline to both interpolate and denoise
newth = linspace(-pi,pi,1000).';
pp = fit(idxth,idxr,'smoothingspline','smoothingparam',1-1E-5);
newr = pp(newth);
% show the two profiles
plot(idxth,idxr,'.'); hold on
% construct output image
[newx newy] = pol2cart(newth,newr);
B = false(s);
B(sub2ind(s,round(newy+cn(1)),round(newx+cn(2)))) = true;
Of course, that would require CFT. If you don't have that toolbox, you can get perfectly reasonable results with regular 1D interpolation:
% otherwise, you could use any 1-D interpolation or fitting method
newth = linspace(-pi,pi,1000).';
newr = interp1(idxth,idxr,newth,'makima');
nanmk = ~isnan(newr);
newr = newr(nanmk);
newth = newth(nanmk);
% show the two profiles
plot(idxth,idxr,'.'); hold on
% construct output image
[newx newy] = pol2cart(newth,newr);
B = false(s);
B(sub2ind(s,round(newy+cn(1)),round(newx+cn(2)))) = true;
Note that I assumed that the center of the image corresponds to the center of the object. If that's not the case, you'd obviously want to find the center of the object's bounding box.
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その他の回答 (1 件)
Image Analyst
2022 年 3 月 3 日
For what it's worth, I'm attaching my edge linking demos. Basically it connects endpoints of a line or curve segment to the closest endpoint of a different line or curve segment.
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