
How to specify any regions in a 3D-Plot with different colors

5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Sam Kalho
Sam Kalho 2022 年 2 月 22 日
コメント済み: Sam Kalho 2022 年 2 月 23 日
Hallo all,
I need your help to solve my problem.
I wanted to create a 3D graph by coloring 3 specific regions with three different colors.
I have predicted deviations of a geometry from a component, now I want to show where deviations are equal and less than 0.5, where deviations are greater than 1, where deviations are between 0.5 and equal and less than 1.
I want to show:
for 'deviations.mat' <=0.5 then plotted with green.
for 'deviations.mat' > 1 then plotted with red.
for 0.5< 'deviations.mat' <=1 then plotted with yellow.
Could you please help me on this.
I would be very grateful to you guys.
Thank you in advance.
here is my full code:
clear all
close all
axes1 = axes('Parent',figure,...
'Position',[0.128214285714286 0.157619047619049 0.775 0.784047619047622]);
plot3(x+denorm_pred, y+denorm_pred, z+denorm_pred ,'color', 'r');
zlabel('Z [mm]');
ylabel('Y [mm]');
xlabel('X [mm]');
title('component with deviations');
view(axes1,[-37.5 30]);
legend1 = legend(axes1,'show');
'Position',[0.0508333333333333 0.884126986397638 0.180357140196221 0.0869047596341085]);


Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson 2022 年 2 月 22 日
Use index vectors:
Igreen = denorm_pred < 0.5;
Ired = denorm_pred > 1;
Iyellow = denorm_pred >= 0.5 & denorm_pred <= 1;
plot3(x(Ired)+denorm_pred(Ired), y(Ired)+denorm_pred(Ired), z(Ired)+denorm_pred(Ired) ,'color', 'r');
hold on;
plot3(x(Igreen)+denorm_pred(Igreen), y(Igreen)+denorm_pred(Igreen), z(Igreen)+denorm_pred(Igreen) ,'color', 'g');
plot3(x(Iyellow)+denorm_pred(Iyellow), y(Iyellow)+denorm_pred(Iyellow), z(Iyellow)+denorm_pred(Iyellow) ,'color', 'y');
hold off;

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