Hi, I am plotting a histogram and want to draw a line that represents the mode:
Now as I will want to replot this linen with a slider callback later, and wont want to have to replot the barchart, I thought adding the line plot here using handles, would then allow me to delete it later and replot it (whilst keeping the barchart still present)
So to plot the line using handles (on my axes component)
AxesH = axes(handles.axes5);
LineH=plot([xm xm],[0 max(counts)],'r', 'LineWidth',1);
set(AxesH, 'UserData', LineH);
guidata(hObject, handles);
Then under a slider callback, firstly I want to delete the current line:
OldLineH = get(handles.axes5, 'UserData');
and then plot the new one based on the slider value
LineH=plot([x(p) x(p)],[0 max(counts)],'r', 'LineWidth',1);
guidata(hObject, handles);
hold on;
But its not deleting the first one, so I get an accumulation of lines.