How would I transform a 5-dimensional vector into a 3-dimensional vector?

4 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Connor Mondock
Connor Mondock 2022 年 2 月 4 日
コメント済み: Voss 2022 年 2 月 4 日
How would I transform a 5-dimensional vector into a 3-dimensional vector? An example would be very helpful, but I really do not know how to do this.

回答 (1 件)

Voss 2022 年 2 月 4 日
How you would do it depends on how you want it to work.
For instance, if your 5-dimensional matrix contains two singleton (i.e., of size 1) dimensions that you want to remove, you could use squeeze():
X = randn(5,1,3,1,2);
Y = squeeze(X);
(:,:,1,1,1) = -0.3821 -0.9261 0.0377 -0.3751 0.6377 (:,:,2,1,1) = -0.8345 -0.1924 -0.7902 0.0368 -0.3870 (:,:,3,1,1) = -0.8840 1.3846 -0.6376 0.6339 0.8134 (:,:,1,1,2) = -0.9523 -0.5598 1.0810 0.7166 1.1387 (:,:,2,1,2) = 0.7773 0.3358 -0.5979 1.3993 -0.5095 (:,:,3,1,2) = -0.4363 -0.3040 -0.1557 -1.0283 1.5534
(:,:,1) = -0.3821 -0.8345 -0.8840 -0.9261 -0.1924 1.3846 0.0377 -0.7902 -0.6376 -0.3751 0.0368 0.6339 0.6377 -0.3870 0.8134 (:,:,2) = -0.9523 0.7773 -0.4363 -0.5598 0.3358 -0.3040 1.0810 -0.5979 -0.1557 0.7166 1.3993 -1.0283 1.1387 -0.5095 1.5534
Or you could use reshape() in that same situation:
Y = reshape(X,[5 3 2]);
(:,:,1) = -0.3821 -0.8345 -0.8840 -0.9261 -0.1924 1.3846 0.0377 -0.7902 -0.6376 -0.3751 0.0368 0.6339 0.6377 -0.3870 0.8134 (:,:,2) = -0.9523 0.7773 -0.4363 -0.5598 0.3358 -0.3040 1.0810 -0.5979 -0.1557 0.7166 1.3993 -1.0283 1.1387 -0.5095 1.5534
Or even if there are no singleton dimensions, you could use reshape(), but you have to specify how you want this reshaping done:
X = randn(5,2,3,4,2);
(:,:,1,1,1) = -1.5990 -1.4774 -0.2814 -1.0066 -0.1961 0.4082 -0.0850 -0.7829 -1.0714 -0.5700 (:,:,2,1,1) = 0.1118 -1.9138 2.2011 -0.4253 -2.3668 -0.9079 0.4306 0.7721 -0.5925 0.8626 (:,:,3,1,1) = -0.6635 0.2661 -1.1877 1.9580 0.1238 -0.5403 -1.2074 -0.9911 -0.8459 -0.7236 (:,:,1,2,1) = 1.4873 1.1875 0.0843 0.5482 -1.5242 1.5693 -0.5216 1.2928 -0.8007 -0.4383 (:,:,2,2,1) = 1.2575 1.7517 -0.6058 0.0287 1.9479 0.1202 -0.6029 -0.0174 -0.5533 1.0998 (:,:,3,2,1) = -0.3341 0.0497 0.2022 1.1645 1.1306 -1.0376 -0.6294 0.4023 2.2155 -0.8428 (:,:,1,3,1) = -1.9050 -0.0878 -1.3216 -0.7829 -0.0930 0.3349 1.2693 -0.3298 0.4882 0.4263 (:,:,2,3,1) = -0.4462 1.2260 0.0387 0.2094 -0.0832 1.4408 2.0849 -0.5376 0.3471 -1.1520 (:,:,3,3,1) = 1.2225 0.3516 3.5116 0.6621 0.8052 2.6316 -0.1157 1.3297 0.0241 0.4893 (:,:,1,4,1) = 1.3257 -1.1252 -1.2487 1.5519 0.4120 -0.8644 -0.7296 -1.5258 1.2875 0.1905 (:,:,2,4,1) = 0.3836 0.6030 0.8254 0.2551 -0.3455 1.1446 -0.6773 -1.3863 -1.5075 -0.5765 (:,:,3,4,1) = 0.3761 -0.9105 1.4721 -1.1455 0.4240 -0.1831 0.5730 -2.4002 -0.2211 1.8798 (:,:,1,1,2) = -0.2634 -0.5790 -0.2404 -0.9705 1.4386 0.7587 -0.6913 -0.8247 -0.2514 -0.6161 (:,:,2,1,2) = -0.0273 0.1439 1.6814 0.2454 0.8269 -1.0881 -1.1424 0.7971 -2.1742 0.8649 (:,:,3,1,2) = 0.0594 -2.0908 -0.1723 0.2557 -1.1110 -1.5074 0.1578 0.5286 -0.7027 1.9260 (:,:,1,2,2) = -0.3547 0.1481 -0.9297 -1.0064 -0.1334 1.1872 -0.0308 -0.0943 -0.3632 -1.4703 (:,:,2,2,2) = 0.0866 0.0515 0.1770 -1.0495 -1.0910 1.2994 -0.1530 -0.1821 -0.1600 1.6377 (:,:,3,2,2) = 0.8820 -0.5114 -1.6949 0.1523 0.4375 2.1341 -0.3578 -1.5224 -0.4132 0.3853 (:,:,1,3,2) = 0.5756 0.7845 0.5070 -0.0190 -1.6021 -1.7109 0.8970 -2.1029 0.8054 2.3897 (:,:,2,3,2) = -0.4548 -0.4863 -1.7089 -0.4617 1.2106 0.5118 0.1166 -0.3795 -0.8231 0.1280 (:,:,3,3,2) = -0.3409 -1.1771 -1.0191 0.1713 0.8405 0.3731 -1.0565 -1.0445 -0.0011 -0.9263 (:,:,1,4,2) = -0.0527 -1.1203 -1.0325 0.1015 -0.7649 1.2671 0.4507 -0.2430 0.6585 -0.1224 (:,:,2,4,2) = 0.2141 1.1805 -1.3787 0.3057 1.5172 0.2990 0.4007 -0.3995 -0.6900 1.3717 (:,:,3,4,2) = 1.1456 0.1479 -0.4306 -1.7615 0.8234 0.2880 0.3705 -0.0219 0.2025 -0.8276
Y = reshape(X,[10 12 2]);
(:,:,1) = -1.5990 0.1118 -0.6635 1.4873 1.2575 -0.3341 -1.9050 -0.4462 1.2225 1.3257 0.3836 0.3761 -0.2814 2.2011 -1.1877 0.0843 -0.6058 0.2022 -1.3216 0.0387 3.5116 -1.2487 0.8254 1.4721 -0.1961 -2.3668 0.1238 -1.5242 1.9479 1.1306 -0.0930 -0.0832 0.8052 0.4120 -0.3455 0.4240 -0.0850 0.4306 -1.2074 -0.5216 -0.6029 -0.6294 1.2693 2.0849 -0.1157 -0.7296 -0.6773 0.5730 -1.0714 -0.5925 -0.8459 -0.8007 -0.5533 2.2155 0.4882 0.3471 0.0241 1.2875 -1.5075 -0.2211 -1.4774 -1.9138 0.2661 1.1875 1.7517 0.0497 -0.0878 1.2260 0.3516 -1.1252 0.6030 -0.9105 -1.0066 -0.4253 1.9580 0.5482 0.0287 1.1645 -0.7829 0.2094 0.6621 1.5519 0.2551 -1.1455 0.4082 -0.9079 -0.5403 1.5693 0.1202 -1.0376 0.3349 1.4408 2.6316 -0.8644 1.1446 -0.1831 -0.7829 0.7721 -0.9911 1.2928 -0.0174 0.4023 -0.3298 -0.5376 1.3297 -1.5258 -1.3863 -2.4002 -0.5700 0.8626 -0.7236 -0.4383 1.0998 -0.8428 0.4263 -1.1520 0.4893 0.1905 -0.5765 1.8798 (:,:,2) = -0.2634 -0.0273 0.0594 -0.3547 0.0866 0.8820 0.5756 -0.4548 -0.3409 -0.0527 0.2141 1.1456 -0.2404 1.6814 -0.1723 -0.9297 0.1770 -1.6949 0.5070 -1.7089 -1.0191 -1.0325 -1.3787 -0.4306 1.4386 0.8269 -1.1110 -0.1334 -1.0910 0.4375 -1.6021 1.2106 0.8405 -0.7649 1.5172 0.8234 -0.6913 -1.1424 0.1578 -0.0308 -0.1530 -0.3578 0.8970 0.1166 -1.0565 0.4507 0.4007 0.3705 -0.2514 -2.1742 -0.7027 -0.3632 -0.1600 -0.4132 0.8054 -0.8231 -0.0011 0.6585 -0.6900 0.2025 -0.5790 0.1439 -2.0908 0.1481 0.0515 -0.5114 0.7845 -0.4863 -1.1771 -1.1203 1.1805 0.1479 -0.9705 0.2454 0.2557 -1.0064 -1.0495 0.1523 -0.0190 -0.4617 0.1713 0.1015 0.3057 -1.7615 0.7587 -1.0881 -1.5074 1.1872 1.2994 2.1341 -1.7109 0.5118 0.3731 1.2671 0.2990 0.2880 -0.8247 0.7971 0.5286 -0.0943 -0.1821 -1.5224 -2.1029 -0.3795 -1.0445 -0.2430 -0.3995 -0.0219 -0.6161 0.8649 1.9260 -1.4703 1.6377 0.3853 2.3897 0.1280 -0.9263 -0.1224 1.3717 -0.8276
Y = reshape(X,[5 6 8]);
(:,:,1) = -1.5990 -1.4774 0.1118 -1.9138 -0.6635 0.2661 -0.2814 -1.0066 2.2011 -0.4253 -1.1877 1.9580 -0.1961 0.4082 -2.3668 -0.9079 0.1238 -0.5403 -0.0850 -0.7829 0.4306 0.7721 -1.2074 -0.9911 -1.0714 -0.5700 -0.5925 0.8626 -0.8459 -0.7236 (:,:,2) = 1.4873 1.1875 1.2575 1.7517 -0.3341 0.0497 0.0843 0.5482 -0.6058 0.0287 0.2022 1.1645 -1.5242 1.5693 1.9479 0.1202 1.1306 -1.0376 -0.5216 1.2928 -0.6029 -0.0174 -0.6294 0.4023 -0.8007 -0.4383 -0.5533 1.0998 2.2155 -0.8428 (:,:,3) = -1.9050 -0.0878 -0.4462 1.2260 1.2225 0.3516 -1.3216 -0.7829 0.0387 0.2094 3.5116 0.6621 -0.0930 0.3349 -0.0832 1.4408 0.8052 2.6316 1.2693 -0.3298 2.0849 -0.5376 -0.1157 1.3297 0.4882 0.4263 0.3471 -1.1520 0.0241 0.4893 (:,:,4) = 1.3257 -1.1252 0.3836 0.6030 0.3761 -0.9105 -1.2487 1.5519 0.8254 0.2551 1.4721 -1.1455 0.4120 -0.8644 -0.3455 1.1446 0.4240 -0.1831 -0.7296 -1.5258 -0.6773 -1.3863 0.5730 -2.4002 1.2875 0.1905 -1.5075 -0.5765 -0.2211 1.8798 (:,:,5) = -0.2634 -0.5790 -0.0273 0.1439 0.0594 -2.0908 -0.2404 -0.9705 1.6814 0.2454 -0.1723 0.2557 1.4386 0.7587 0.8269 -1.0881 -1.1110 -1.5074 -0.6913 -0.8247 -1.1424 0.7971 0.1578 0.5286 -0.2514 -0.6161 -2.1742 0.8649 -0.7027 1.9260 (:,:,6) = -0.3547 0.1481 0.0866 0.0515 0.8820 -0.5114 -0.9297 -1.0064 0.1770 -1.0495 -1.6949 0.1523 -0.1334 1.1872 -1.0910 1.2994 0.4375 2.1341 -0.0308 -0.0943 -0.1530 -0.1821 -0.3578 -1.5224 -0.3632 -1.4703 -0.1600 1.6377 -0.4132 0.3853 (:,:,7) = 0.5756 0.7845 -0.4548 -0.4863 -0.3409 -1.1771 0.5070 -0.0190 -1.7089 -0.4617 -1.0191 0.1713 -1.6021 -1.7109 1.2106 0.5118 0.8405 0.3731 0.8970 -2.1029 0.1166 -0.3795 -1.0565 -1.0445 0.8054 2.3897 -0.8231 0.1280 -0.0011 -0.9263 (:,:,8) = -0.0527 -1.1203 0.2141 1.1805 1.1456 0.1479 -1.0325 0.1015 -1.3787 0.3057 -0.4306 -1.7615 -0.7649 1.2671 1.5172 0.2990 0.8234 0.2880 0.4507 -0.2430 0.4007 -0.3995 0.3705 -0.0219 0.6585 -0.1224 -0.6900 1.3717 0.2025 -0.8276
Y = reshape(X,[5 2 24]);
(:,:,1) = -1.5990 -1.4774 -0.2814 -1.0066 -0.1961 0.4082 -0.0850 -0.7829 -1.0714 -0.5700 (:,:,2) = 0.1118 -1.9138 2.2011 -0.4253 -2.3668 -0.9079 0.4306 0.7721 -0.5925 0.8626 (:,:,3) = -0.6635 0.2661 -1.1877 1.9580 0.1238 -0.5403 -1.2074 -0.9911 -0.8459 -0.7236 (:,:,4) = 1.4873 1.1875 0.0843 0.5482 -1.5242 1.5693 -0.5216 1.2928 -0.8007 -0.4383 (:,:,5) = 1.2575 1.7517 -0.6058 0.0287 1.9479 0.1202 -0.6029 -0.0174 -0.5533 1.0998 (:,:,6) = -0.3341 0.0497 0.2022 1.1645 1.1306 -1.0376 -0.6294 0.4023 2.2155 -0.8428 (:,:,7) = -1.9050 -0.0878 -1.3216 -0.7829 -0.0930 0.3349 1.2693 -0.3298 0.4882 0.4263 (:,:,8) = -0.4462 1.2260 0.0387 0.2094 -0.0832 1.4408 2.0849 -0.5376 0.3471 -1.1520 (:,:,9) = 1.2225 0.3516 3.5116 0.6621 0.8052 2.6316 -0.1157 1.3297 0.0241 0.4893 (:,:,10) = 1.3257 -1.1252 -1.2487 1.5519 0.4120 -0.8644 -0.7296 -1.5258 1.2875 0.1905 (:,:,11) = 0.3836 0.6030 0.8254 0.2551 -0.3455 1.1446 -0.6773 -1.3863 -1.5075 -0.5765 (:,:,12) = 0.3761 -0.9105 1.4721 -1.1455 0.4240 -0.1831 0.5730 -2.4002 -0.2211 1.8798 (:,:,13) = -0.2634 -0.5790 -0.2404 -0.9705 1.4386 0.7587 -0.6913 -0.8247 -0.2514 -0.6161 (:,:,14) = -0.0273 0.1439 1.6814 0.2454 0.8269 -1.0881 -1.1424 0.7971 -2.1742 0.8649 (:,:,15) = 0.0594 -2.0908 -0.1723 0.2557 -1.1110 -1.5074 0.1578 0.5286 -0.7027 1.9260 (:,:,16) = -0.3547 0.1481 -0.9297 -1.0064 -0.1334 1.1872 -0.0308 -0.0943 -0.3632 -1.4703 (:,:,17) = 0.0866 0.0515 0.1770 -1.0495 -1.0910 1.2994 -0.1530 -0.1821 -0.1600 1.6377 (:,:,18) = 0.8820 -0.5114 -1.6949 0.1523 0.4375 2.1341 -0.3578 -1.5224 -0.4132 0.3853 (:,:,19) = 0.5756 0.7845 0.5070 -0.0190 -1.6021 -1.7109 0.8970 -2.1029 0.8054 2.3897 (:,:,20) = -0.4548 -0.4863 -1.7089 -0.4617 1.2106 0.5118 0.1166 -0.3795 -0.8231 0.1280 (:,:,21) = -0.3409 -1.1771 -1.0191 0.1713 0.8405 0.3731 -1.0565 -1.0445 -0.0011 -0.9263 (:,:,22) = -0.0527 -1.1203 -1.0325 0.1015 -0.7649 1.2671 0.4507 -0.2430 0.6585 -0.1224 (:,:,23) = 0.2141 1.1805 -1.3787 0.3057 1.5172 0.2990 0.4007 -0.3995 -0.6900 1.3717 (:,:,24) = 1.1456 0.1479 -0.4306 -1.7615 0.8234 0.2880 0.3705 -0.0219 0.2025 -0.8276
permute() and shiftdim() might also be useful.
  2 件のコメント
Connor Mondock
Connor Mondock 2022 年 2 月 4 日
Thanks this is helpful, is there any way this could be done using a function? What would be the inputs and outputs?
Voss 2022 年 2 月 4 日
All of these examples use built-in functions.



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