
Image segmentation and counting.

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Xiaoquan 2014 年 11 月 25 日
回答済み: Sarah Salvino 2019 年 5 月 24 日
Dear all, I am a BMEG student. I got a homework to count the cell of leaves by Matlab. The original figure is shown below.
And I used the following script to generate some result (I copied some code from examples).
rgb = imread('original.png'); %load image
rgb2 = rgb2gray(rgb); %change it to gray
rgb2 = imcomplement(rgb2); %invert the color
rgb2 = adapthisteq(rgb2, 'ClipLimit', 0.1); %enhance contract
BWdfill = imfill(im2bw(rgb2), 'holes'); %fill holes
BWnobord = imclearborder(BWdfill, 4); %remove the boundary cells
rgb_perim = bwperim(im2bw(BWnobord)); %find the boundary
overlay1 = imoverlay(rgb2gray(rgb),rgb_perim, [.3 1 .3]); %overlap figure with boundary
bw = BWnobord;
cc = bwconncomp(bw, 8);
graindata = regionprops(cc,'basic');
grain_areas = [graindata.Area];
s = regionprops(BWnobord, {'Centroid'});
hold on
numObj = numel(s) %show the total number of cell
label_num = 0;
for k = 1 : numObj
if (grain_areas(k)> 200) & ( grain_areas(k) < 4000) %set area range
plot(s(k).Centroid(1), s(k).Centroid(2), 'ro'); %label selected ones
label_num = label_num + 1; %count number
hold off
And I got the following figure.
But the two circled regions didn't have a good segmentation. Does anyone have solution for this condition?

回答 (2 件)

Ashutosh Kumar Upadhyay
Ashutosh Kumar Upadhyay 2014 年 12 月 10 日
the size of those blobs may not fit into threshold range. try the code at http://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/48610-wavelet-based-noise-robust-image-segmentation with parameters as IsObjectLighter=1; NoOfScales_J=6; KernelBandwidth_h =1; NeighbourhoodDistance_RN = 0; ContrastThreshold_Th = 1; MorphSmoothRad=0; IsGelImage=1; smallRadiusofSpot=1; and apply area filtering operation on "seg" variable.

Sarah Salvino
Sarah Salvino 2019 年 5 月 24 日
Hi, I was working in a similar project, could you please help me? My email adress is: sarahrsalvino@gmail.com

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