Exported figure size is huge and specified font of the label is ignored in 2014b
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I updated MATLAB to 2014b last week. After update, I found some problems regarding figure in 2014b, but don't how to solve it.
- Specified label font doesn't work in 2014b. I specified label font as "Times New Roman", but it looks like "Arial". It works in 2014a, but not in 2014b.
- Exported figure size is extremely huge. When I export the figure as emf or eps using "print", the size of figure file is about 200 MB. It was about 500 kb when I ran the code in 2014a.
After I found out something wrong in 2014b, I ran my code in 2014a again, but it works well. I don't know how to solve the problems. Would you give me an advice?
%%X-Z 2D contour script
% Raw data Columns 1=ID, 2=X, 3=Y, 4=Z, 5=NODE, 6=SLICE, 7=HINIT, 8=Time
close all; %close figures
format bank
%%1-1 Excel data read
% RawData=xlsread('AllnodesTemp_Load1_Tokyo_30day_2yr');
%%1-2 DAT file read
% Raw data Columns 1=ID, 2=X, 3=Y, 4=Z, 5=NODE, 6=SLICE, 7=HINIT, 8=Time
fid = fopen('AllNodeTemp_20yr_365d.dat', 'r'); %read the data (txt,csv,dat,dlm,tab,asc)
EndOfHeader=1; %Number of Header line
for i=1:EndOfHeader
buffer = fgetl(fid); %fgetln : skip the header line one by one.
Data = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f'); %read the data
%Assign the data of each column
% c1 = Data{1}; c2 = Data{2}; c3 = Data{3};
clearvars -except RawData; %Delete all the variables except followings
%%Contour Setting
rb=0.0825; %radius of borehole
T_ini=17; %initial temperature
% Y coordinate to cut the slice (Filter y-coordinate)
Ycoord1 = 0;
Ycoord2 = 7.5;
Ycoord3 = -7.5;
%%Figure Data Generation
%Filter data for certain slice
n=1; %n must be out of for loop
for i=1:size(RawData,1); %Row number of RawData1
if RawData(i,3)==Ycoord1; %Filter based on the Z coordinates (Depth)
GridData1(n,1:3)=RawData(i,[2,4,7]); %Correct z0
% Filter cetain slice is done.
GridDataX1=GridData1(:,1); % X-coordinates
GridDataZ1=GridData1(:,2); % Y-coordinates
GridDataT1=GridData1(:,3); %Temp values
MaxT1 = ceil(max(GridDataT1)); MinT1 = floor(min(GridDataT1)); %min and max display
%Filter data for certain slice
%Figure (b)
n=1; %n must be out of for loop
for i=1:size(RawData,1); %
if RawData(i,3)==Ycoord2; %
GridData2(n,1:3)=RawData(i,[2,4,7]); %C
% Filter cetain slice is done.
GridDataX2=GridData2(:,1); % X-coordinates
GridDataZ2=GridData2(:,2); % Y-coordinates
GridDataT2=GridData2(:,3); %Temp values
MaxT2=ceil(max(GridDataT2)); MinT2=floor(min(GridDataT2));
% X=unique(g_data_x)'; %arrange X coordinate data
% Y=unique(g_data_y)'; %arrange Y coordinate data
%%Axis, Coordinate Range
x_lb = -7.5; x_ub = 7.5; %y axis low and upper bound [m]
z_lb = -15; z_ub = 0.0; %y axis low and upper bound [m]
TickIntX = 2.5; TickIntZ = 2.5; %Tick interval
x_t = x_lb:TickIntX:x_ub; %Graph x axis
z_t = z_lb:TickIntZ:z_ub; %Graph y axis
%%Grid Resolution
MeshRes_x = x_lb:0.02:x_ub; %Set grid resolution x
MeshRes_z = z_lb:0.04:z_ub; %Set grid resolution y
%%Make the Mesh Data
[xi, yi]=meshgrid(MeshRes_x, MeshRes_z); %Make meshgrid
T1=griddata(GridDataX1',GridDataZ1',GridDataT1', xi,yi); %make temp matrix
T2=griddata(GridDataX2',GridDataZ2',GridDataT2', xi,yi);
%%Plot Setting - Font size
FS_ti = 13; %font size of title
FS_xlab = FS_ti+1; FS_ylab=FS_ti+1; %font size of axis label
FS_conla = FS_ti-2; %font size of contourf label
FS_AxTick = FS_ti-1; %font size of axis tick
FS_CBar = FS_ti-2; %font size of color bar
LabelSpc = 200; %label spacing
ContLB = [MinT1, MinT2];
ContUB = [MaxT1, MaxT2];
%%Contour Range, Interval
% con_lb = min(ContLB); con_ub = max(ContUB); %contourf lower bound and upper bound
% con_res = 0.2; %contourf interval resolution
% conlevel=(con_lb:con_res:con_ub); %contour step specify
Cont_lb1 = MinT1; Cont_ub1 = MaxT1; %contourf lower bound and upper bound
con_res1 = 1.0; %contourf interval resolution
conlevel1=(Cont_lb1:con_res1:Cont_ub1); %contour step specify
Cont_lb2 = MinT2; Cont_ub2 = MaxT2; %contourf lower bound and upper bound
con_res2 = 1; %contourf interval resolution
conlevel2=(Cont_lb2:con_res2:Cont_ub2); %contour step specify
%%Line Width
LineWId=0.5; %Graph line width
%%Figure 1
[c1,h1] = contourf(xi,yi,T1,conlevel1,'LineStyle', 'None', 'LineWidth',LineWId); %contourf, countourf, linestyle, linewidth
title ('(b) \ity \rm= 0 m','FontSize',FS_ti, 'FontName','Times New Roman');
clabel(c1,h1, 'LabelSpacing', LabelSpc, 'FontSize', FS_conla, 'FontName','Times New Roman'); %label'manual'-manual labeling 'LabelSpacing', labelspc,
xlabel('\itx \rm[m]','FontSize',FS_xlab,'FontName','Times New Roman', 'FontAngle', 'italic'); %x label font, font size
ylabel('\itz \rm[m]','FontSize',FS_ylab,'FontName','Times New Roman', 'FontAngle', 'italic'); %y label font, font size
set(gca, 'XTick',x_t, 'YTick',z_t, 'XMinorTick', 'off', 'YMinorTick', 'off' ); %X, Y axis tick, Minor tick, plot aspect ratio
set(gca, 'FontSize',FS_AxTick, 'FontName','Times New Roman', 'LineWidth',0.5); %axis index font, color, line width
set(gca, 'XGrid' , 'on' , 'YGrid' , 'on', 'GridLineStyle', ':', 'LineWidth',0.1); %grid on off line style
caxis([Cont_lb1 Cont_ub1]); %color bar range
colorbar('FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',FS_CBar); %color bar font
colormap (jet); %Jet, Hot, Cool, http://www.mathworks.co.jp/jp/help/matlab/ref/colormap.html
axis ([x_lb, x_ub, z_lb, z_ub]); %x, y axis min max
axis square; %equal, sqaure, auto, tight
brighten(0.5); %brightness
set(gcf, 'Units', 'centimeters', 'position', [6 4 13 13]); %Position starts from left down corner, then define size of figure
%%Figure 2
set(gcf, 'Units', 'centimeters', 'position', [6 4 13 13]); %Position starts from left down corner, then define size of figure
[c2,h2] = contourf(xi,yi,T2,conlevel2,'LineStyle', 'None', 'LineWidth',LineWId); %contourf, countourf
title ('(c) \ity \rm= 7.5 m ','FontSize',FS_ti, 'FontName','Times New Roman'); %Title
clabel(c2,h2, 'LabelSpacing', LabelSpc, 'FontSize', FS_conla, 'FontName','Times New Roman'); %label'manual'-manual labeling 'LabelSpacing', labelspc,
xlabel('\itx \rm[m]','FontSize',FS_xlab,'FontName','Times New Roman', 'FontAngle', 'italic'); %x label font, font size
ylabel('\itz \rm[m]','FontSize',FS_ylab,'FontName','Times New Roman', 'FontAngle', 'italic'); %y label font, font size
set(gca, 'XTick',x_t, 'YTick',z_t, 'XMinorTick', 'off', 'YMinorTick', 'off'); %X, Y axis tick, Minor tick, plot aspect ratio
set(gca, 'FontSize',FS_AxTick, 'FontName','Times New Roman', 'LineWidth',0.5); %axis index font, color, line width
set(gca, 'XGrid' , 'on' , 'YGrid' , 'on', 'GridLineStyle', ':', 'LineWidth',0.1); %grid on off line style
caxis([Cont_lb2 Cont_ub2]); %color bar range
colorbar('FontName','Times New Roman','FontSize',FS_CBar); %color bar font
colormap (jet); %Jet, Hot, Cool, http://www.mathworks.co.jp/jp/help/matlab/ref/colormap.html
axis ([x_lb, x_ub, z_lb, z_ub]); %x, y axis min max
axis square; %equal, sqaure, auto, tight
brighten(0.5); %brightness
set(gcf, 'Units', 'centimeters', 'position', [6 4 13 13]); %Position starts from left down corner, then define size of figure
%%Save the Plot
%%No margin%%
% style.Bounds = 'Tight';
% style = hgexport( 'factorystyle' );
% hgexport( gcf, '-Clipboard', style, 'ApplyStyle', true ); %figure export, -Clipboard:Copy to clipboard
print('-f1', '-dmeta','-r600','ContourXZ1'); %Save the graph, figrue1, filetype(-dmeta,-depsc), resolution 600, filename
print('-f2', '-dmeta','-r600','ContourXZ2');
disp('Calculation is Done');
1 件のコメント
Gideon simpson
2014 年 11 月 26 日
Mathworks really needs to address these graphics issues. I've gone back to 2014a because of all that. Does mathworks expect us to wait until 2015a comes out before we have a working product?
回答 (1 件)
Rob Comer
2015 年 6 月 5 日
Regarding part 1 of this question, you can control the contour label FontName and other label text properties in R2014b or R2015a, as in this example:
[C,h] = contour(peaks);
clabel(C,h,'LabelSpacing',64,'FontSize',16,'FontName','Times New Roman')
if you download and install one of the workarounds that is available here: http://www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/1114747. (There are separate workarounds for R2014b and R2015a.) For calls to clabel that include the contour object handle h, the workaround will enable you to specify a total of 12 properties that affect the appearance of contour labels: Color, FontName, FontSize, FontWeight, and 8 others.
0 件のコメント
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