
How can I change input of function from file to cell array?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
lil brain
lil brain 2022 年 1 月 26 日
コメント済み: lil brain 2022 年 1 月 27 日
I have this function dfaedit_2('filename.csv',0,0,0) and it only takes files as input. I have a cell array with a size of 19x21.
I would like to change the input into a cell array.
When I run it however I get an error:
Error using cumsum
Invalid data type. First input argument must be numeric or logical.
Error in dfaedit (line 44)
Sum = cumsum(x);
Help is much appreciated!


David Hill
David Hill 2022 年 1 月 26 日
編集済み: David Hill 2022 年 1 月 26 日
Either delete or comment out lines below and change input to data. Verify cell2mat(of your cell array) gives what is expected. Or provide a sample of your input cell array and previous data file.
H=dfaedit(data,1,1,1);%call function
function [H]=dfaedit(data,plot_flag, outfile_flag, out_command_flag)
format short g
%x = file_name;
%fid = fopen(file_name);
%data = textscan(fid,'%f');
%fid = fclose(fid);
x = cell2mat(data);
  7 件のコメント
lil brain
lil brain 2022 年 1 月 27 日
sorry again for not explaining this correctly. When I run the code I get a result for each cell. However what I was looking for is a result for each column of each matrix within each cell.
For example, the first cell in p_windows11 has a size of 512x47. Therefor, I would need an output where the first cell in the new cell array (h) contains a matrix with 47 columns (1x47) or 47 results respectively.
I hope this is more clear. Again, support is very much appreciated!
David Hill
David Hill 2022 年 1 月 27 日
function [H]=dfaedit(data)
format short g
for k=1:numel(data)
y = data{k};
for kk=1:size(y,2)
numberpoints = length(x);
MinBox = 4; % minbox #of points in a box
MaxBox = .25*numberpoints; % maxbox set 1/4 the data length
BoxSizeDensity = 4;
LogScaleFactor = power(2.0, 1.0/BoxSizeDensity);
index = 1:numberpoints;
index = reshape(index, length(index), 1); %change row to column vector
% Preliminary calculations
Sum = cumsum(x);
SumOfSumsSquared = cumsum(Sum.*Sum);
SumOfSums = cumsum(Sum);
SSc = cumsum(index.*Sum);
% now find best fit lines and find fluctuation about the line
% loop for each box size, from MinBox to MaxBox
iteration = 1;
BoxSize = MinBox;
TempBoxSize = MinBox;
while BoxSize <= MaxBox
s = 0.0;
r1 = 1./(BoxSize + 1.0);
Det = 12.0*r1*r1*r1/(1.0 - r1*r1);
vv = BoxSize*(2.0*BoxSize + 1.0)/6.0;
for j = 2:numberpoints - BoxSize
dhh = SumOfSumsSquared(j + BoxSize) - SumOfSumsSquared(j-1);
dhu = SumOfSums(j + BoxSize) - SumOfSums(j-1);
dhv = SSc(j + BoxSize) - SSc(j-1) - dhu*j;
s = s + dhh - (dhv*dhv +dhu*dhu*vv - dhv*dhu*BoxSize)*Det;
j = j + 1;
den = (numberpoints - BoxSize)*(BoxSize + 1.0);
Fluctuation = sqrt(s/den);
log_points_in_box(iteration,1) = log10(BoxSize);
log_Q(iteration,1) = log10(Fluctuation);
show_results(iteration,:) = [ iteration BoxSize Fluctuation log_points_in_box(iteration,1) log_Q(iteration,1) ];
iteration = iteration + 1;
% update the box size
TempBoxSize = TempBoxSize*LogScaleFactor;
while round(TempBoxSize) < BoxSize + 1.0
TempBoxSize = TempBoxSize*LogScaleFactor;
BoxSize = round(TempBoxSize);
% got all boxes; now calculate H via trendline
r_trend = corrcoef(log_points_in_box, log_Q);
coefs = polyfit(log_points_in_box, log_Q,1);
r_line = polyval(coefs,log_points_in_box);
% calculate dimension and Hurst
h(kk) = coefs(1);
D = 2-h(kk);


その他の回答 (1 件)

lil brain
lil brain 2022 年 1 月 27 日
Beautiful! Many thanks!
Sorry one last thing, I promise! When running this code the resulting cells are saved in a single row rather than in the same shape that the cell array p_windows11 was originally in.
I am looking to have the cells in H saved in the same sequence as in p_windows11. Meaning that all the results from the cells in the first column are saved column-wise first in H as well.
1x47 = H{1,1}
1x43 = H{2,1}
Sorry for my poor experience in matlab!
  2 件のコメント
David Hill
David Hill 2022 年 1 月 27 日
function [H]=dfaedit(data)
format short g
H=cell(size(data));%just add this line at the beginning
lil brain
lil brain 2022 年 1 月 27 日
Perfect! This is exctly what I needed! If my project gets published, you're getting special thanks!



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