Hellow, I'm a bit novice in matlab coding. And i require your assistance.
I have a 3250x3 numeric matrix as depicted below and I want to identify and remove the latencies which falls outside the +-0.5 from the mean for each subject. Next, I want to average the latencies in the column 3 according to the trialcode (column2) for each subject (column1) and output as a matrix. Finally, I want to run a repeated measures ANOVA (2x2) according to the trial code.
I require assistance for the first two steps pimarily.
subject trialcode latency
8 4 340
8 4 328
8 3 218
8 4 338
8 3 213
8 4 328
8 3 254
8 4 323
8 4 340
8 3 273
9 3 580
9 4 363
9 4 371
9 3 374
9 3 383
9 3 302
9 4 406
9 3 390
9 3 380
9 3 366
9 4 468
I want to remove outliers for each subject across each trial code.
I tried the following codes which did not work :
[K, ~, G] = unique(Experiment1engS1(:, 1:2), 'rows')
mean= rmoutliers(K(:,3),'center','mean','ThresholdFactor', 2.5)
I also tried the for function:
SUB_temp = mean(Experiment1engS1(i:i+159,1));
trialcode_temp = mean(Experiment1engS1(i:i+159,2));
latency_temp = rmoutlier(Experiment1engS1(i:i+159,3));
Subject=[Subject; SUB_temp];
trialcode = [trialcode; trialcode_temp];
latency = [latency; latency_temp];
This does not work, as some subjects don't have a total of 160 trials, as the data was pre processed to remove error trials.
I tried to use the splitapply, unique and rmoutlier, with no luck!
K= splitapply(@rmoutlier,Experiment1engS1(:,3),unique(Experiment1engS1(:, 1:2), 'rows'))
Kindly suggest what can be done. Thank you.