Reformat table with a column as a top row
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
How do I re-format the below table so that one of the Columns (ROI) becomes a row with the data re-structured under this new format?
Name ROI Tvalue Pvalue
TEST1 A 5 4
TEST1 B 6 6
TEST1 D 3 1
TEST1 E 2 4
TEST2 C 6 7
TEST2 D 8 3
TEST2 E 0 4
TEST2 F 1 5
Name Tvalue Pvalue Tvalue Pvalue Tvalue Pvalue Tvalue Pvalue Tvalue Pvalue Tvalue Pvalue
TEST1 5 4 6 6 3 1 2 4
TEST2 6 7 8 3 0 4 1 5
Name A B C D E F
TEST1 t = 5 t = 6 t = 3 t = 2
p = 4 p = 6 p = 1 p = 4
TEST2 t = 6 t = 8 t = 0 t = 1
p = 7 p = 3 p = 4 p = 5
0 件のコメント
Turlough Hughes
2022 年 1 月 10 日
編集済み: Turlough Hughes
2022 年 1 月 11 日
You can reorganise the data pretty close to what you showed using unstack, but to get the header organised as you have shown would take some extra steps. First I just recreate your table as follows:
Name = [repmat("TEST1",4,1); repmat("TEST2",4,1)];
ROI = ["A","B","D","E","C","D","E","F"].';
Tvalue = [5 6 3 2 6 8 0 1].';
Pvalue = [4 6 1 4 7 3 4 5].';
T = table(Name, ROI, Tvalue, Pvalue);
pivotVars = ["Tvalue", "Pvalue"];
Tp = unstack(T,pivotVars,'ROI')
To obtain merged columns for A, B, C, etc, one has to make a nested table. Here's one way to do that:
headerNames = Tp.Properties.VariableNames;
for thisROI = unique(T.ROI.')
idx = ismember(headerNames, pivotVars + "_" + thisROI);
s.(thisROI) = array2table(Tp{:,idx},'VariableNames', pivotVars);
Tout = struct2table(s,'RowNames',Tp.Name)
Edit (regarding your comment below) - you can't do that exactly other than creating string representations "t = 5", and so on. In any case, I think the table is tidier if you use indicators in the row names instead having "t=..." and "p=..." in every cell:
varNames = unique(T.ROI.');
T2 = array2table(zeros(4,numel(varNames)),'VariableNames',varNames,...
for thisROI = varNames
idx = ismember(headerNames, pivotVars + "_" + thisROI);
T2.(thisROI) = reshape(Tp{:,idx}.',[],1);
4 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2022 年 1 月 11 日
If your goal is an Excel file with that content, then I recommend that you create a cell array and use writecell()
その他の回答 (1 件)
Walter Roberson
2022 年 1 月 10 日
You can get the Tvalue / PValue to be the same by making each variable in the table be a table itself.
However, there is no way to get the empty parts to display as empty. To get emptiness you would need to convert everything to cell array of character vectors, or to string array -- but both of those are going to display "decoration" such as
TEST1 {'5'} {'4'} {'6'} {'6'} {''} {''} "" "" "3" "1"
0 件のコメント
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