
Disable mouse click events

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Ignacio 2014 年 10 月 23 日
回答済み: Mads Kaern 2015 年 4 月 9 日
Hi, I would like to disable temporarily the mouse click events on my application. I want to load with matlab an external application with the "winopen" instruction, and I want the focus on that new loaded application even when I press with the mouse in another screen Area which is not part of that opened application.
I think a logical solution would be disable the mouse click events but maybe there are another ways of doing that (somehow set the opened application as modal or somehow too disable the mouse during this application is opened...).
Thanks and any idea will be apreciated. Regards

回答 (1 件)

Mads Kaern
Mads Kaern 2015 年 4 月 9 日
I had a similar problem but could find on suitable solution online.
One can inactive buttons and other objects temporarily using the Enable property. In my application, I have a function that takes lot of time to complete, and I don't want the user to click anything until the result has been returned.
I make this possible, I found all the object that are currently active and inactivated them prior to the function call, and then reactivated them once the function had been executed
Before the function call: h = findobj(gcf,'Enable','on'); set(h,'Enable','inactive');
After the function call: set(h,'Enable','on');
Hope this helps


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