Pixhawk unable to send PWM / arm

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Rasmus 2021 年 9 月 4 日
回答済み: Rasmus 2021 年 9 月 4 日
I have the pixhawk 1 and using connectedIO with the px4demo_PWM I am unable to send consistently PWM signals on the main out. If I plot the actuator outputs (uORB message), they occasionally jump to the commanded value but then returns to the fail safe value. I do not have a safety switch but have set the CBRK_IO_SAFETY=22027, and I have checked using the PX4 Parameter Read block that this value is actually set. I have also checked that starting the pixhawk without the SD card, that I can arm without the safety switch. I also tried to read the uORB safety message, and the safety_off value is 0. What is going wrong here, and how do I get to write the PWM?


Rasmus 2021 年 9 月 4 日
I managed to fix the issue by adding the following to the rc.txt on the SD card:
-------- rc.txt --------
usleep 1000
px4io safety_off
usleep 1000
px4_simulink_app start
-------- rc.txt --------

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