
Errors with .emf and .tif pictures

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
André 2013 年 11 月 14 日
function addfmpicture1_button_callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global dataStruct
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.emf'); % open the file
if FileName == 0
fmpicture1_image = strcat(PathName,FileName); % generate the variable name of the file opened
fmpicture1_image = imread(fmpicture1_image); % load image
image('Parent', handles.fmpicture1_axes, 'CData', flipdim(fmpicture1_image,1));
dataStruct.fmpicture1_image = flipdim(get(findobj(handles.fmpicture1_axes,'type','image'),'CData'),1);
function addchippicture_button_callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) global dataStruct [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.tif'); % open the file if FileName == 0 return; end chip_image = strcat(PathName,FileName); % generate the variable name of the file opened chip_image = imread(chip_image); % load image cla(handles.chip_axes); image('Parent', handles.chip_axes, 'CData', flipdim(chip_image,1)); axis(handles.chip_axes,'tight'); dataStruct.chip_image = flipdim(get(findobj(handles.chip_axes,'type','image'),'CData'),1);
--- // ---
We developed a code to storage some data. We got two errors when working with .emf and .tif files. In the first case, the picture doesn't appear. In the second case, the picture appears but becomes almost fully red. With others formats like .png or .jpeg it doesn't happen. I don't use any toolbox now.
Anyone knows why it happens and how should a fix it?
Thank you very much for any reply!

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