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ハードウェア接続用のモデルの準備、およびハードウェア プロトコルをサポートするためのブロックの追加

ハードウェア接続用の Simulink® モデルを準備し、ハードウェア プロトコル、各種用途を示す例をサポートするブロックを追加します。



V4L2 Video CaptureCapture video from USB camera using V4L2 framework
SDL Video DisplayDisplay video using SDL
eSpeak Text to SpeechConvert text into speech on default audio device
ALSA Audio CaptureCapture audio from sound card using ALSA
Audio File ReadRead audio frames from an audio file
ALSA Audio PlaybackSend audio to sound card for playback using ALSA
Video Stream TransmitStream video to network over real-time streaming protocol (R2024a 以降)
GPIO ReadRead GPIO pin status
GPIO WriteSet GPIO pin status
Standard Servo WriteSet shaft position of standard servo motor to angle specified in degrees
LEDIlluminate built-in LED on Raspberry Pi board
PWMGenerate pulse width modulated signal of digital output pin
External InterruptTrigger downstream function-call subsystem from interrupt service routine (R2021a 以降)
EncoderMeasure incremental position and direction of rotating motor (R2021a 以降)
Pan Tilt HatControl pan and tilt motions using PCA9685-based PWM driver (R2022a 以降)
ADS1x15Read digital output data from ADS1015 and ADS1115 ADCs (R2023a 以降)
CAN Receive Receive message from CAN network (R2019b 以降)
CAN TransmitTransmit message to CAN network (R2019b 以降)
SPI Master TransferWrite data to and read data from SPI peripheral device
SPI Register WriteWrite data to registers of an SPI peripheral device
SPI Register ReadRead data from SPI peripheral device register
I2C Master ReadRead data from I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register
I2C Master WriteWrite data to I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register
Serial WriteWrite data to the serial device
Serial ReadRead data from serial device
NNG SendSend data through nanomsg next gen (NNG) using publish/subscribe protocol (R2023a 以降)
NNG ReceiveReceive data through nanomsg next gen (NNG) using publish/subscribe protocol (R2023a 以降)
ThingSpeak ReadRead data stored in ThingSpeak channel
ThingSpeak WritePublish data to Internet of Things using ThingSpeak
MQTT SubscribeReceive messages from MQTT broker for specified topic
MQTT PublishPublish messages to MQTT broker on specified topic
TalkBack ReadRead command(s) from TalkBack ID on ThingSpeak TalkBack server (R2021b 以降)
TalkBack WriteWrite command(s) to TalkBack ID on ThingSpeak TalkBack server (R2021b 以降)
UDP ReceiveReceive UDP packets over IP network
UDP SendSend UDP packets over IP network
TCP/IP ReceiveReceive data over TCP/IP network from remote host
TCP/IP SendSend data over TCP/IP network to another remote host
Websocket PublishPublish data to WebSocket server in JSON format
Websocket SubscribeSubscribe to the JSON data received by a WebSocket server
Modbus TCP/IP Master ReadClient device reads data from server device register(s) over TCP/IP network (R2021a 以降)
Modbus TCP/IP Master WriteClient device writes data to server device register(s) over TCP/IP network (R2021a 以降)
Modbus TCP/IP Slave ReadServer device reads data from server device register over TCP/IP network (R2021a 以降)
Modbus TCP/IP Slave WriteServer device writes data to server device register over TCP/IP network (R2021a 以降)
HTTP ClientSend and receive data from HTTP server over URL connection (R2023b 以降)
HTS221 Humidity SensorMeasure relative humidity and ambient temperature from Humidity sensor
LPS25h Pressure SensorMeasure barometric air pressure and ambient temperature
LSM9DS1 IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate and magnetic field along X, Y, and Z axes
JoystickRead the state of five-position Joystick
8x8 RGB LED MatrixControl pixel(s) color of 8x8 RGB LED Matrix


BME280 Pressure SensorMeasure barometric air pressure, relative humidity, and temperature from BME280 sensor (R2022b 以降)
BMP280 Pressure SensorMeasure barometric air pressure and ambient temperature from BMP280 sensor (R2022b 以降)
CCS811 Air Quality SensorMeasure equivalent CO2 (eCO2) and the equivalent total volatile organic compound concentration (eTVOC) (R2022b 以降)
LPS22HB Pressure SensorMeasure barometric air pressure and temperature from LPS22HB sensor (R2022b 以降)

IMU センサー

ADXL34x AccelerometerMeasure linear acceleration along axes of ADXL34x family of accelerometers (R2022b 以降)
BMI160 IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from BMI160 sensor (R2021b 以降)
BMM150 MagnetometerMeasure magnetic field from BMM150 sensor (R2022b 以降)
ICM20948 IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular velocity, magnetic field, and temperature from ICM20948 IMU sensor (R2022b 以降)
LIS3MDL Magnetometer SensorMeasure magnetic field strength and temperature from LIS3MDL Magnetometer sensor (R2022b 以降)
LSM303C IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, magnetic field strength, and temperature from LSM303C sensor (R2022b 以降)
LSM6DS3 IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DS3 sensor (R2022b 以降)
LSM6DS3H IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DS3H sensor (R2022b 以降)
LSM6DSL IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSL sensor (R2022b 以降)
LSM6DSM IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSM sensor (R2022b 以降)
LSM6DSO IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSO sensor (R2022b 以降)
LSM6DSR IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSR sensor (R2022b 以降)
Ultrasonic SensorMeasure distance between ultrasonic sensor and object (R2022b 以降)
VL53L0X Time of Flight SensorMeasure distance to a target object (R2022b 以降)
Protocol EncoderEncode input data into a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (R2021b 以降)
Protocol DecoderDecode a uint8 byte stream by specifying the packet structure (R2021b 以降)


getRunOnBootGet name of Simulink model added to Run-on-boot
addToRunOnBootAdd Simulink model to Run-on-boot
removeRunOnBootRemove a Simulink model from Run-on-boot
listAudioDevicesList available ALSA audio devices

