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Create new Simscape file populated by required and commonly used keywords


sscnewfile(name) creates a component with the specified name using the default component template. The function automatically saves the new Simscape™ file, name, in the current folder.


sscnewfile(name,template_keyword) creates a component with the specified name using the domain-specific template specified by template_keyword. For a list of available keywords, use the -list option. The function automatically saves the new Simscape file, name, in the current folder.


sscnewfile(name,template_file) creates a component, domain, or function file with the specified name using a file of the same type, template_file, as the template. The template file name must include the file path. Various template files are available in the simscape.template namespace; however, you can use any Simscape file as a template. The function copies the contents of the template file into the new file, replaces the name of the component, domain, or function with name, and saves the new file in the current folder.


sscnewfile -list returns a list of available template keywords and lists all the files available in the simscape.template namespace.



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Create a component named MyComponent using the default component template and save it as MyComponent.ssc in the current folder.


The new file opens in the MATLAB® Editor.

component MyComponent
% Simple Simscape component

   % Add parameters here
   % p = { value , 'unit' }; % Parameter name

   % A = namespace_name.domain_name; % A:left
   % B = namespace_name.domain_name; % B:right

   % x = { value , 'unit' }; % Through variable name
   % y = { value , 'unit' }; % Across variable name

   % x : A.x -> B.x;

   % Add equations here
   % y == A.y - B.y;
   % x == fcn(y);


Use this file as a starting point for authoring the new component. Lines that start with % are comments. Replace them with actual declarations and equations, as needed. You can also delete unnecessary sections and add other sections, such as components, connections, or intermediates.

Create a component named MyResistor using the default component template for the electrical domain and save it as MyResistor.ssc in the current folder.


The new file opens in the MATLAB Editor.

component MyResistor
% Two-port electrical component

   % Add parameters here
   % R = { 1, 'Ohm' }; % Resistance

    p = foundation.electrical.electrical; % +:left
    n = foundation.electrical.electrical; % -:right

    i = { 0, 'A' }; % Current
    v = { 0, 'V' }; % Voltage

    i : p.i -> n.i;

    % Voltage difference between nodes
    v == p.v - n.v;

    % Add equations here
    % v == i*R;


Use this file as a starting point for authoring the new component. Lines that start with % are comments. Replace them with actual declarations and equations, as needed. For an example of creating a custom resistor, see Model Linear Resistor in Simscape Language.

Create a domain named MyGasDomain using the Foundation gas domain as a template and save it as MyGasDomain.ssc in the current folder.

sscnewfile('MyGasDomain', 'foundation.gas.gas')

The new file opens in the MATLAB Editor. The name of the new domain is MyGasDomain, matching the name argument. The rest of the file is a copy of the Foundation gas domain definition.

Use this file as a starting point for authoring the new domain. Modify the domain parameters and properties to suit your application.

List the template keywords and the template files available in the simscape.template namespace.

sscnewfile -list
Template keywords
    default                         simscape.template.simple_component
    electrical                      simscape.template.electrical.two_port
    gas                             simscape.template.gas.two_port_steady
    magnetic                        simscape.template.magnetic.two_port
    moist_air                       simscape.template.moist_air.two_port_steady
    position_based_translational    simscape.template.translational.two_port
    rotational                      simscape.template.mechanical.rotational.two_port
    signal                          simscape.template.signal.simple_component
    thermal                         simscape.template.thermal.two_port
    thermal_liquid                  simscape.template.thermal_liquid.two_port_steady
    translational                   simscape.template.mechanical.translational.two_port
    two_phase_fluid                 simscape.template.two_phase_fluid.two_port_steady
Files in namespace simscape.template
    simple_component    Simple Simscape component
Files in namespace simscape.template.electrical
    two_port    Two-port electrical component
Files in namespace simscape.template.gas
    two_port_dynamic    Two-port dynamic gas component
    two_port_steady     Two-port steady gas component
Files in namespace simscape.template.magnetic
    two_port    Two-port magnetic component
Files in namespace simscape.template.mechanical.rotational
    two_port    Two-port rotational component
Files in namespace simscape.template.mechanical.translational
    two_port    Two-port translational component
Files in namespace simscape.template.moist_air
    two_port_dynamic    Two-port dynamic moist_air component
    two_port_steady     Two-port steady moist air component
Files in namespace simscape.template.signal
    simple_component    Simple component with physical signals
Files in namespace simscape.template.thermal
    two_port    Two-port thermal component
Files in namespace simscape.template.thermal_liquid
    two_port_dynamic    Two-port dynamic thermal liquid component
    two_port_steady     Two-port steady thermal liquid component
Files in namespace simscape.template.translational
    two_port    Two-port position-based translational component
Files in namespace simscape.template.two_phase_fluid
    two_port_dynamic    Two-port dynamic two-phase fluid component
    two_port_steady     Two-port steady two-phase fluid component

To use one of these files as the template for a new component, specify the full path and name of the file as the second input argument, for example, 'simscape.template.gas.two_port_dynamic'.

Input Arguments

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Name of the new component, domain, or function, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This name also serves as the name of the new Simscape file being created. The file is automatically saved in the current folder.

Example: 'MyResistor'

Data Types: char | string

Type of component file to be used as the template for the new file, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Use these keywords to create component files for a specific domain type. For a list of available keywords, use the -list option.

Example: 'electrical'

Data Types: char | string

Name of a Simscape component, domain, or function, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The file name must include the path to the file from the top-level namespace folder. If the file is on the MATLAB path, you can specify the absolute file path instead. The new file being created will use this Simscape file as the template.

Example: 'foundation.electrical.elements.resistor'

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2019b