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Prepare model for hardware connection, add blocks to support hardware protocols

Prepare Simulink® models for hardware connection, add blocks to support hardware protocols, reference examples featuring various applications.


Digital OutputSet the logical value of a digital output pin
Digital InputRead the logical value of a digital input pin
RGB LEDSet the RGB LED to a desired color
Serial ReceiveReceive an [Nx1] array of byte data on the UART
Serial TransmitSend an [MxN] array of data to the UART
Analog OutputSend an analog output signal to PTE30 pin
Analog InputMeasure the voltage of an analog input pin
Servo WriteDrive the servo motor to the specified angle
Line Scan CameraRead the data from a line scan camera
Momentary SwitchRead the state of a momentary switch
DIP SwitchRead the state of a DIP switch
DC MotorDrive a DC motor in either direction
PotentiometerRead the state of a potentiometer
Battery ReadRead the battery voltage of a battery connected to the TFC Shield
Battery IndicatorDisplay the battery voltage level with LEDs on the TFC shield
I2C Controller ReadRead data from I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register
I2C Controller WriteWrite data to I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register
PWM OutputGenerate square wave on the specified output pin


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