- Open Block Library for ARM Cortex-Based VEX Microcontroller
Open Block Library for ARM Cortex-based VEX Microcontroller
- Model Configuration Parameters for ARM Cortex-based VEX Microcontroller
Parameter and configuration options for creating and running applications on the target hardware.
- Getting Started with VEX Microcontroller Support Package
This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to run a Simulink model on a VEX microcontroller.
- Tank Robot Control Using VEXnet Gamepad
This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to control 2-wheeled tank robot using a VEX wireless controller.
- Parameter Tuning and Signal Logging with Serial Communication
This example shows how to perform parameter tuning and data logging with a Simulink® model running on ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller targets.
- Autonomous Mode and Driver Mode with the VEX Microcontroller
This example shows how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to implement both Autonomous mode and Driver mode in the same Simulink model. Autonomous mode, Driver mode and the switch between the two is a format that applies only to the VEX Robotics Competition. This model should be used only in a VEX Competition field where a VEX field controller controls the modes of the VEX Robot (you can also use a VEX Competition Switch that simulates a VEX field controller for match practice).
- Obstacle Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor with the VEX Microcontroller
This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to interface the VEX ultrasonic sensor to the VEX Microcontroller and use the sensor data to control a 4-wheeled robot.
- Servo Control Using a Gamepad Button
This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to control a servo motor using a digital button on the VEXnet Joystick.
- Line Follower with Arm and Claw Position Control Using Line Tracker, Potentiometer and Encoder
This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to create a line follower robot with a robotic arm and claw control using the VEX Clawbot. The robot, with an object manually placed between its claw, follows a black line on a white surface. When the end of the black line is reached, which is indicated by a wider black line, the robot stops, lowers the robotic arm and drops the object held between its claws. Line trackers will be used for the purpose of following a black line, a potentiometer for the control of robotic arm position and integrated encoder module for the control of the claw opening.
- Turn Robot Using LCD Button Press and Display Gyroscope Reading on LCD Screen
This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to create an application in which a 4-wheeled robot turns by a degree of angle chosen by the user from the options displayed on an LCD screen. The VEX LCD screen displays 3 angle values. The user can select an angle or a combination of two or more angles by pressing the corresponding LCD buttons. Accordingly, the robot rotates by the specified degree of angle in anti-clockwise direction.
- Square Path Navigation Using Encoder with the VEX Microcontroller
This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to interface VEX Integrated Encoder Module to the VEX Microcontroller and use the sensor data to control a 4-wheeled robot.