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DC MotorRepresent connected DC motor and set motor speed
Digital OutputRepresent one pin as digital output and set logical value
Servo MotorRepresent connected servo motor and set angular position value
Competition SwitchRead switch positions of VEXnet Competition Switch and provide logical values for Autonomous and Driver modes
Gamepad AccelerometerRead analog value from VEX gamepad accelerometer
Gamepad ButtonRepresent one button on VEX gamepad and read logical value
Gamepad JoystickRepresent one control axis on x-yanalog VEX gamepad joystick and read values
LCD ButtonRead logical state of selected push button on LCD Display Module
LCD ScreenDisplay text and numerical value on specified line of LCD screen
Analog InputRead the value of a sensor attached to an analog input pin
Digital InputRead the digital value of an input pin
GyroscopeMeasure yaw rotation in degrees
Integrated Encoder ModuleMeasure the rotation of a motor in ticks
Optical Shaft EncoderMeasure the rotation of a motor in ticks
Ultrasonic SensorMeasure the distance to an object: 0.02 to 2.0 meters (m)
Arcade ModuleGet the right and left wheel speed values of a robot in an Arcade configuration
Field SimulatorView the simulation speed values of a two-wheel robot
Gamepad SimulatorGet the simulation value of a VEX gamepad using Logitech F310 or XBOX Controller
Gear TransmissionSet a scalar value (1 to 4) based on input values
LatchLatch the logical value based on the change in the input signal
Real TimeSlow down simulation time close to real time


  • Model Configuration Parameters for ARM Cortex-based VEX Microcontroller

    Parameter and configuration options for creating and running applications on the target hardware.

  • Getting Started with VEX Microcontroller Support Package

    This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to run a Simulink model on a VEX microcontroller.

  • Tank Robot Control Using VEXnet Gamepad

    This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to control 2-wheeled tank robot using a VEX wireless controller.

  • Parameter Tuning and Signal Logging with Serial Communication

    This example shows how to perform parameter tuning and data logging with a Simulink® model running on ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller targets.

  • Autonomous Mode and Driver Mode with the VEX Microcontroller

    This example shows how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to implement both Autonomous mode and Driver mode in the same Simulink model. Autonomous mode, Driver mode and the switch between the two is a format that applies only to the VEX Robotics Competition. This model should be used only in a VEX Competition field where a VEX field controller controls the modes of the VEX Robot (you can also use a VEX Competition Switch that simulates a VEX field controller for match practice).

  • Obstacle Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor with the VEX Microcontroller

    This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to interface the VEX ultrasonic sensor to the VEX Microcontroller and use the sensor data to control a 4-wheeled robot.

  • Servo Control Using a Gamepad Button

    This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to control a servo motor using a digital button on the VEXnet Joystick.

  • Line Follower with Arm and Claw Position Control Using Line Tracker, Potentiometer and Encoder

    This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to create a line follower robot with a robotic arm and claw control using the VEX Clawbot. The robot, with an object manually placed between its claw, follows a black line on a white surface. When the end of the black line is reached, which is indicated by a wider black line, the robot stops, lowers the robotic arm and drops the object held between its claws. Line trackers will be used for the purpose of following a black line, a potentiometer for the control of robotic arm position and integrated encoder module for the control of the claw opening.

  • Turn Robot Using LCD Button Press and Display Gyroscope Reading on LCD Screen

    This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to create an application in which a 4-wheeled robot turns by a degree of angle chosen by the user from the options displayed on an LCD screen. The VEX LCD screen displays 3 angle values. The user can select an angle or a combination of two or more angles by pressing the corresponding LCD buttons. Accordingly, the robot rotates by the specified degree of angle in anti-clockwise direction.

  • Square Path Navigation Using Encoder with the VEX Microcontroller

    This example shows you how to use Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for ARM® Cortex®-based VEX® Microcontroller to interface VEX Integrated Encoder Module to the VEX Microcontroller and use the sensor data to control a 4-wheeled robot.