Generate Code to Detect Edges on Images
This example shows how to generate a standalone C library from MATLAB® code that implements a simple Sobel filter that performs edge detection on images. The example also shows how to generate and test a MEX function in MATLAB prior to generating C code to verify that the MATLAB code is suitable for code generation.
About the sobel
The sobel.m
function takes an image (represented as a double matrix) and a threshold value and returns an image with the edges detected (based on the threshold value).
type sobel
% edgeImage = sobel(originalImage, threshold) % Sobel edge detection. Given a normalized image (with double values) % return an image where the edges are detected w.r.t. threshold value. function edgeImage = sobel(originalImage, threshold) %#codegen assert(all(size(originalImage) <= [1024 1024])); assert(isa(originalImage, 'double')); assert(isa(threshold, 'double')); k = [1 2 1; 0 0 0; -1 -2 -1]; H = conv2(double(originalImage),k, 'same'); V = conv2(double(originalImage),k','same'); E = sqrt(H.*H + V.*V); edgeImage = uint8((E > threshold) * 255);
Generate the MEX Function
Generate a MEX function using the codegen
codegen sobel
Code generation successful.
Before generating C code, you should first test the MEX function in MATLAB to ensure that it is functionally equivalent to the original MATLAB code and that no run-time errors occur. By default, codegen
generates a MEX function named sobel_mex
in the current folder. This allows you to test the MATLAB code and MEX function and compare the results.
Read in the Original Image
Use the standard imread
im = imread('hello.jpg');
Convert Image to a Grayscale Version
Convert the color image (shown above) to an equivalent grayscale image with normalized values (0.0 for black, 1.0 for white).
gray = (0.2989 * double(im(:,:,1)) + 0.5870 * double(im(:,:,2)) + 0.1140 * double(im(:,:,3)))/255;
Run the MEX Function (The Sobel Filter)
Pass the normalized image and a threshold value.
edgeIm = sobel_mex(gray, 0.7);
Display the Result
im3 = repmat(edgeIm, [1 1 3]); image(im3);
Generate Standalone C Code
codegen -config coder.config('lib') sobel
Code generation successful.
Using codegen
with the -config coder.config('lib')
option produces a standalone C library. By default, the code generated for the library is in the folder codegen/lib/sobel/
Inspect the Generated Function
type codegen/lib/sobel/sobel.c
/* * File: sobel.c * * MATLAB Coder version : 24.2 * C/C++ source code generated on : 22-Jan-2025 23:08:37 */ /* Include Files */ #include "sobel.h" #include "conv2AXPYSameCMP.h" #include "sobel_data.h" #include "sobel_emxutil.h" #include "sobel_initialize.h" #include "sobel_types.h" #include "sqrt.h" #include <emmintrin.h> /* Function Declarations */ static void binary_expand_op(emxArray_real_T *in1, const emxArray_real_T *in2); /* Function Definitions */ /* * Arguments : emxArray_real_T *in1 * const emxArray_real_T *in2 * Return Type : void */ static void binary_expand_op(emxArray_real_T *in1, const emxArray_real_T *in2) { emxArray_real_T *b_in1; const double *in2_data; double *b_in1_data; double *in1_data; int aux_0_1; int aux_1_1; int b_loop_ub; int i; int i1; int loop_ub; int stride_0_0; int stride_0_1; int stride_1_0; int stride_1_1; in2_data = in2->data; in1_data = in1->data; emxInit_real_T(&b_in1, 2); if (in2->size[0] == 1) { loop_ub = in1->size[0]; } else { loop_ub = in2->size[0]; } i = b_in1->size[0] * b_in1->size[1]; b_in1->size[0] = loop_ub; if (in2->size[1] == 1) { b_loop_ub = in1->size[1]; } else { b_loop_ub = in2->size[1]; } b_in1->size[1] = b_loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity_real_T(b_in1, i); b_in1_data = b_in1->data; stride_0_0 = (in1->size[0] != 1); stride_0_1 = (in1->size[1] != 1); stride_1_0 = (in2->size[0] != 1); stride_1_1 = (in2->size[1] != 1); aux_0_1 = 0; aux_1_1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < b_loop_ub; i++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) { double b_in1_tmp; double in1_tmp; in1_tmp = in1_data[i1 * stride_0_0 + in1->size[0] * aux_0_1]; b_in1_tmp = in2_data[i1 * stride_1_0 + in2->size[0] * aux_1_1]; b_in1_data[i1 + b_in1->size[0] * i] = in1_tmp * in1_tmp + b_in1_tmp * b_in1_tmp; } aux_1_1 += stride_1_1; aux_0_1 += stride_0_1; } i = in1->size[0] * in1->size[1]; in1->size[0] = loop_ub; in1->size[1] = b_loop_ub; emxEnsureCapacity_real_T(in1, i); in1_data = in1->data; for (i = 0; i < b_loop_ub; i++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) { in1_data[i1 + in1->size[0] * i] = b_in1_data[i1 + b_in1->size[0] * i]; } } emxFree_real_T(&b_in1); } /* * Arguments : const emxArray_real_T *originalImage * double threshold * emxArray_uint8_T *edgeImage * Return Type : void */ void sobel(const emxArray_real_T *originalImage, double threshold, emxArray_uint8_T *edgeImage) { emxArray_real_T *H; emxArray_real_T *V; double *H_data; double *V_data; int i; int loop_ub_tmp; unsigned char *edgeImage_data; if (!isInitialized_sobel) { sobel_initialize(); } /* edgeImage = sobel(originalImage, threshold) */ /* Sobel edge detection. Given a normalized image (with double values) */ /* return an image where the edges are detected w.r.t. threshold value. */ emxInit_real_T(&H, 2); conv2AXPYSameCMP(originalImage, H); H_data = H->data; emxInit_real_T(&V, 2); b_conv2AXPYSameCMP(originalImage, V); V_data = V->data; if ((H->size[0] == V->size[0]) && (H->size[1] == V->size[1])) { int scalarLB; int vectorUB; loop_ub_tmp = H->size[0] * H->size[1]; scalarLB = (loop_ub_tmp / 2) << 1; vectorUB = scalarLB - 2; for (i = 0; i <= vectorUB; i += 2) { __m128d r; __m128d r1; r = _mm_loadu_pd(&H_data[i]); r1 = _mm_loadu_pd(&V_data[i]); _mm_storeu_pd(&H_data[i], _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(r, r), _mm_mul_pd(r1, r1))); } for (i = scalarLB; i < loop_ub_tmp; i++) { H_data[i] = H_data[i] * H_data[i] + V_data[i] * V_data[i]; } } else { binary_expand_op(H, V); } emxFree_real_T(&V); b_sqrt(H); H_data = H->data; i = edgeImage->size[0] * edgeImage->size[1]; edgeImage->size[0] = H->size[0]; edgeImage->size[1] = H->size[1]; emxEnsureCapacity_uint8_T(edgeImage, i); edgeImage_data = edgeImage->data; loop_ub_tmp = H->size[0] * H->size[1]; for (i = 0; i < loop_ub_tmp; i++) { edgeImage_data[i] = (unsigned char)((unsigned int)(H_data[i] > threshold) * 255U); } emxFree_real_T(&H); } /* * File trailer for sobel.c * * [EOF] */