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結果 39 件

MATLAB versions of the MathCad example programs included in the textbook.

MATLAB versions of the MathCad example programs included in the textbook Principles and Modern Applications of Mass-Transfer Operations by J. BenitezFor additional book and ordering information

The scripts are used to finish multiple target tracking using GM-CPHD filter.

Computes required height of cooling water tower and minimum air rate needed to attain prescribed air and water service conditions

This app computes the required height of a countercurrent, forced air, water cooling tower, and the minimum air rate needed to attain user-specified overall mass transfer coefficient, water and air

2D Heat Transfer FEM

バージョン 1.0.0

作成者: Gifari Zulkarnaen

FEM script example for 2D heat problem using T3 element

Solving 1d numerical problems

バージョン 1.0.0

作成者: Omar Ahmed

These codes solve problems in the pdf file by numerical methods and compare it with the exact solution

Numerical methods are now a very useful tool to solve differential equations for mechanical department like heat and mass transfer and Navier Stokes equations. These methods of solutions are the

These functions calculate heat exchange NUT and effectiveness.

These functions calculate heat exchange NUT and effectiveness folowing textbook Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (7th ed.) by BERGMAN, T. L., LAVINE, A. S., INCROPERA, F. P. and DEWITT, D. P

Three-state closed-loop CSTR dynamic model with simulation of incipient faults

Kinetic Order Determination


作成者: Steven Edmund

Determine the reaction order of a chemical reaction of the form: rate = Ao*[A]^a*[B]^b*exp(-Ea/R*T)

temperatures. For most accurate results it is best to take all the data within the same few degrees and keep the system at low conversion to reduce the influence of heat and mass transfer effectsExperimental

FEATool Multiphysics - Physics Simulation Made Easy

Modeling of vapor compression cycle components

1D finite difference heat transfer


作成者: Ashkan

this program calculates surface temperatures.

Heat Conduction Toolbox


作成者: Monika Zecova

Computes heat conduction

This Matlab script computes the release of insulin from pancreatic betta cells stimulated by glucose after being absorbed by the same cells.

Ultrafiltration and Mass Transfer in a Bioartificial Pancreas, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 1988).

Steady Rayleigh–Bénard convection

バージョン 1.1.0

作成者: MJ Sarfi

2D steady state solution of coupled momentum, continuity and energy equations. The fluid is driven by the Rayleigh–Bénard convection.

heat exchangers in simscape part 1: LMTD


作成者: Andreas

LMTD approach to calculate temperatures and heat transfer. Based on pipe blocks.

Heat Exchanger Solver


作成者: Seyyed Ali

Calculating outlet temperatures of a Heat Exchanger using Epsilon-NTU method

GUI tool for estimating the theoretical number of plates of a distillation column

3-D Heat Equation Numerical Solution


作成者: Visa Suomi

Solution to the three-dimensional heat equation using alternating direction implicit (ADI) method

This code uses the analytical solution at the fiber scale to avoid the microscale discretization in the solution of a two-temperature model.

Solving the Maxwell-Stefan equations using the shooting methods.

the tube. Air (component 3) keeps the mole fractions of components 1 and 2 equal to zero. This problem is solved using Mathcad in Example 1.15 of Principles and Modern Applications of Mass Transfer

Radiative heat transfers (GUI)


作成者: Nicolas Lauzier

Program with GUI that calculates view factors and radiative heat transfers.

Smoker's Equation (Distillation)


作成者: Maneet Goyal

Code for Smoker's Equation. Calculate Number of Theoretical Trays for Binary Distillation System.

Gas Absorption Operation

バージョン 1.0.0

作成者: Paritosh Usmanpurkar

This app calculates the number of ideal Gas Absorber stages graphically for the given degree of separation.

Compute eta vs. thiele plots for an adiabatic operating catalyst using bvp4c

The adiabatic catalyst problem arises in the field of chemical engineering. If chemical reaction kinetics within a solid catalyst body are influenced by mass transfer multiple steady states are

A 4-state CSTR process dynamic simulation under 2 cascade control loops with fault simulation

Given a temperature, outputs the saturated water conductivity and specific heat.

Values from Table A-6 in Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th Ed, Bergman.Any temperature is valid to input, but conductivity and specific heat will only be accurate within the range of

Air and Water Property Interpolation

バージョン 1.0.1

作成者: Robby Ching

Allows the computation of air and water properties through basic linear interpolation between two data points

the data set.Cover photo taken from Bergman et al. (2011) in their book "Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer"

In this tutorial, we explain the basic principles and limitations of near-field radiative heat transfer (NFRHT). [Beta Version]

Steady State Heat Conduction with constant heat generation in a Two-Dimensional Square Plate of unit height with Robin Boundary Condition.

CSTR, unwanted products, coolant heat transfer controlled

Calculates ABS membrane parameters using concentration and flux data

444: 523-538 DOI:, N.-N., J. T. Arena and J. R. McCutcheon (2015). "Proper accounting of mass transfer resistances in forward osmosis

Solves the set of coupled PDEs describing mass conservation across a diffusion layer with an electrochemical reaction occurring at one side.

example the concentration profiles, pH, and mass transfer limiting current density. The following parameters may be altered:temperature Tpressure Pmolarity c (of CO2-saturated electrolyte)current density

Binary Star Period Analysis


作成者: bedri keskin

Period Analysis of the Binary Star U CrB

2d heat transfer example


作成者: emmanuel bastias

heat transfer

Multi-scale model for transient heat transport in PCM composites that does not require micro-scale discretization.

Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 175, August 2021.Authors: Adam Dobri, A.Tsiantis, T.D.Papathanasiou, and Yanwei Wang Abstract: This

thermal conductivity of polymer composites filled (Pro-ver)

reactions such as mass transfer, heat transfer, and phase fluctuations (including melting, evaporation, and condensation) can be accurately modeled.4. Temperature and energy modeling in several scales

Heat Pipe Analysis Toolbox (H-PAT)

バージョン 1.0.0

作成者: Barbaros Cetin

Heat Pipe Analysis Toolbox (H-PAT) estimates the heat pipe performance for given geometric properties and operating conditions

experimental validation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 137, 106162 ( get started, simply run "H-PAT.m". This will open the GUI of the



作成者: Yang Yang

Simple Cavity Lid-driven flow D2Q9 LBM Solver

several codes for my B.Eng. Thesis, Including MATLAB codes for Lid-driven Flow and parallel Fortran codes to compute co-laminar flow with mass transfer.> For the MATLAB codes, I designed three version of


バージョン 1.0

作成者: X.-X. Liang

LIBDAR is a Matlab toolbox to calculate laser-induced bubble dynamics, simulate acoustic radiation and track energy partitioning.

condition).- Implicit consideration of heat/mass transfer at the bubble wall during bubble oscillations via tuning *R*n.- Temporal tracking of energy partitioning and tabulated energy balance for the bubble

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