Weighted network motifs as random walk patterns

バージョン 1.1 (6.84 KB) 作成者: RossMas
Find weighted motifs using a random walk approach
ダウンロード: 30
更新 2022/5/20


This package contains 2 routines to find wieghted motifs of size 2/3/4 using a novel methodology based on a sink node and random walker. The sink node allows to balance a directed network, while the random walker can detect 8 possibile weighted motifs (see figure). Practically, she is placed on a random node and can move along her neighoburs according to the transition probability matrix associated to the netowrk. Repeating several times the placing&moving it is possible to register the frequency of each weighted motif.
The package contains:
  • 2 routines
  • a text file with simple command lines to test the routines
  • a small real network about macaque grooming (http://konect.cc/networks/moreno_rhesus/)
For details about the methodology, its applications to real networks, the significance of the weighted motifs occurrences, the 8 motifs detectable... take a look at the paper:
Picciolo, F., Ruzzenenti, F., Holme, P., & Mastrandrea, R. (2022). Weighted network motifs as random walk patterns. New Journal of Physics.


Picciolo, F., Ruzzenenti, F., Holme, P., & Mastrandrea, R. (2022). Weighted network motifs as random walk patterns. New Journal of Physics.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2016a
Windows macOS Linux

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Weighted network motifs as random walk patterns

バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Updated routine
