
バージョン 1.0.0 (4.11 MB) 作成者: Yongjian Feng
BarChartRace with 3D effect
ダウンロード: 29
更新 2021/7/28


It is all about data and it is all about presentation. BarChartRace is a popular way to visualize change of data over time. To further impress your audiences, a 3D BarchartRace can help you to present your points with great power. See the following sample animation Gif's generated by BarChartRace3D.

Refresh your browser to see the animation effect of the sample gifs below.

3D sample output


2D sample output


Sample and Demo

Run testBCR3D for a demo. From this folder


View testBCR3D for sample code.


Construct a BarChartRace3D

Call the constructor to create a BarChartRace3D object

bcr3 = BarchartRace3D();

Optional configurations

These are optional configurations. If not set, the default will be used.


Set the labels for the bars.

bcr3.labels = {'Bar1', 'Bar2', 'Bar3'};


Default to be 2D. Show 3D by setting this


output file name

Default to be BarChartRace3D.gif. Note only animation GIF out put is supported. Change to another filename by setting

bcr3.outfile = tmp.gif


Default to be empty.

bcr3.title = Title

color for each bar

It has builtin (default) colors. If you want to set the color, you can do this to set 3 colors (R, G, B) for example. If colors defined below is less than the bars, these colors will be reused. For this example, the forth bar will use R again.

bcr3.colors = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1];

positive only

BarChartRace3D handles positive and negative data by default for 2D mode. If you know all the data is positive, you can set the following, and then BarChartRace3D will use the whole canvas for showing positive data. Note 3D mode only handles positive data.


set data and race

The data shall be an nxm array, where n is the number of iterations, and m is the number of bars.

data = randi(10, 8); bcr3.race(data);


Yongjian Feng (2024). BarChartRace3D (, GitHub. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2021a
Windows macOS Linux

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