FEM mesh for rectangular or cuboid, postprocess, conversion

バージョン 1.0.0 (816 KB) 作成者: Wan Ji
The project aims to produce 2d or 3d finite element mesh on a rectangular or cuboid and postprocessing contour are presented
ダウンロード: 270
更新 2021/6/25


FEM mesh
The code is for meshing a rectangular or a cuboid with the generally used element types, viz., C2D3, C2D4, C2D6, C2D8, C3D4, C3D8, C3D10 and C3D20. Linear elements can be converted to quadratic ones. C2D3 and C2D6 can be converted to C2D4. Also C3D4 and C3D10 can be converted to C3D8. Quite useful!
rectC2D4.m Create C2D4 element
rectC2D8.m Create C2D8 element
rectC3D8.m Create C3D8 element
rectC3D20.m Create C3D20 element
c2d3toc2d4.m Convert C2D3 element to C2D4 element
c2d6toc2d4.m Convert C2D6 element to C2D4 element
c3d4toc3d8.m Convert C3D4 element to C3D8 element
c3d10toc3d8.m Convert C3D10 element to C3D8 element
c3d8toc3d4.m Convert C3D8 element to C3D4 element
linear2quad.m Converte Linear elements(C2D3,C2D4,C3D4,C3D8) to quadratic ones(C2D6,C2D8,C3D10,C3D20)
Contour graph for FEM mesh
Here solidPatch for solid elements and femPatch for all element types are provided. When postprocessing, nodal field variables are obtained, these functions will hold a good performance.
solidPatch.m Patch Solid element
femPatch.m Patch all types of element listed here.


Wan Ji (2025). FEM mesh for rectangular or cuboid, postprocess, conversion (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/94815-fem-mesh-for-rectangular-or-cuboid-postprocess-conversion), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2021a
R2009b 以降のリリースと互換性あり
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを与えたファイル: 3D voronoi via fem mesh, the voronoi3d class, visualization

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート