Sketching GUI

バージョン (5.22 KB) 作成者: Divakar Roy
Sketch making GUI with varying sketching facility
ダウンロード: 2.9K
更新 2005/12/6


The program uses Prewitt Edge Detection Method to draw sketches of your images.

The GUI has a very unique facility to vary the amount of sketching as much as you need.

The idea behind varying the amount of sketching is that different types of images
requires different amount of sketching.

Images of landscapes and sceneries requires less sketching.
Images of faces and close up images requires more sketching.

So,in this way user is free to choose the amount of sketching to give it the best look.


Divakar Roy (2024). Sketching GUI (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R13
Windows macOS Linux

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